Amazing Sunsets, whatever happens during the day it can always end beautifully!
“Amazing Sunsets”
Sunsets are my favorite part of the day, well I’m always a night person, and sunsets always start my day actually, i work mostly during the night and i mostly painting during the night.
Sunsets always inspire me as i find it so amazing to see how time flies before my eye, i am present whenever i witness and appreciate the art the God has created, i look at all the colorful hues and almost all colors can be seen during sunsets.
Im always inspired by the beauty of sunset, and i do alot of sungazing, its a technique that draws the power of the sun to your third eye chakra, its a day to day process, starting with 10 sec of sun gazing and adding 10 sec everyday till you reach 44 minutes and then going back, its where the sun is closest to the earth and looking directly to the sun but gazing at it only, and its best to be barefoot to be grounded. I used to do it alot i was able to reach 30 min mark and then winter came and i could not find the time to do it, but it was an amazing experience and i could still feel it, and i would do it again soon.
Sunsets are proof that no matter what the day brings it will alway end beautifully
In one way or another all our problems and stress, to make ends meet are just illusions, we tend to even carry that load till we sleep and when we wake up we feel so exhausted, and then the cycle goes on, no wonder we have all sorts of illness, its our body telling us that we need to rest or slowdown.
Sunsets are a perfect energizer, and the earth is a perfect absorber, although you need to be cautious when staring at the sun as it can injure you badly, its best when its almost by the horizon. And there nothing else to do but to empty your mind and surrender all your problems and worries behind, and always remember, that now is the only time that exist and will ever exist and everything else is just an illusion.

Couldn't have said it better myself BroStar <333
Yessssss :)
Thank you for sharing the energy of the Sun with us through your beautyfull photos @errymil.
I love how in tune with the sunset you are ~ and I appreciate the opportunity you have give to me this morning to spend some time in meditation with sunset vibes <3333
Very niceeeeee. Much Love as always!
Hi my friend im glad to see you! Thank you for such nice comments. You always bring a positive vibe wherever you go!
Lovely photos. Funny yesterday I was saying to my brother that I need a sunset to improve my day. It's winter in vancouver, gotta wait few more months. What you said is so nice: sunset is the proof that whatever happend in the day it will always end beautifully :) Thanks Erry!
Thank you Jan same here, i miss surfing on warm summer sunset beach, but i guess i have to wait for my little ones to grow up a little to join me. Its always nice to see you man!
Beautiful shot
Thank you so much @awakeningartist
Nice post
sunset photography excellent,

perfect timing,
thanks for sharing
Thanks @didarulselim