in #blog8 years ago


If I ever knew a thing at all in all of the heavens and earth. Beyond the mirages and lies. The truth and superstitious. Fallacies and folly. Backdrop the despair. Helplessness of man. Be the joy. Be the pain. Beside the everything. I believe in "ME". The chippy,unambitious and malign me. Yes indeed, beyond every ounce of doubt. But the reality seems so impossible and my head is full of shit.

Take for instance in my case, when stranded with only a lonesome course to fulfill the so called "DESTINY" and for heavens sake, it does indeed manage to succeed to the contrary of your passions and ambitions. It's a disaster all over after so much conviction and perspiration of labor of mine not alone. And this idea applies to each and every one of us. At least I believe.But, however dry it may sound I ain't giving up on myself,my dreams and my passions. I will edit my life frequently and ruthlessly.The reality is harsh and demanding.

man with dreams.png

And though we all know we will never be good enough for it at some point or the other we never stop trying or DO WE? And often ,the dominant chaos of the typecast society and the opposing reality might suppress our voice and trample over our dreams. Wrecking it beyond the depth of recovery . But remember like they say " 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do". So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
