Why I have yet to become a successful digital nomad

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Alright guys, the reasons why I haven't yet become a successful digital nomad are many. I`ll mention a few. Six, to be exact.

Lack of lasting motivation
Lack of focus
Being distracted


Above I mentioned the six main reasons I believe I'm not yet a successful digital nomad, now I want to go into a little more detail. So you can understand why and what I´m doing today to break free and succeed.

A lack of motivation: I get inspired easily and find myself motivated for a short period of time. However, it's not nearly enough time to get any substantial work done. This can easily be changed if I make an effort to, motivation is just like anything else. Take action, make up your mind and motivation will follow.

A lack of focus: Pretty similar to the lack of motivation, focus comes and goes far to quickly, and I get easily distracted. Both with other more exciting ventures and with life itself. Sometimes I must admit I´m just living life, so I forget to focus on my business goals. (Not really a bad thing in and of itself though.)

Multitasking: Simply doing too many different things at the same time. Although in some cases, I actually excel while multitasking, however that is not the case in regards to making it as a full-time digital nomad. Learning to do one task at a time, and completing it before starting another will be key for my future success.

Distraction: Sometimes its too easy to get distracted, even more so when you love life the way I do. I'm always busy loving and living life, and at times I even forget why I need to do what I must do to succeed. Not because I´m lazy, but because I´m so genuinely happy in the present that I figure the future will take care of itself. While that can be true to some extent, its time to meet reality head on. Its simple, you gotta get your head in the game to win it.

Money: Whether you have it or not, money is a major player in the game of life. Having it can make you lazy, but having it can also make you succeed beyond your wildest dreams. The same is true for not having it. Its what you make of it that will ultimatly decide whether it plays as a pro or con towards your success. In my case, its been both. I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I haven't had nearly enough and its been hard. Other times I've had money, and enjoyed it fully. However, I always have money on my mind. Not in an obsessive way, but in a practical sense. I've been on both sides, with money and without, and one thing is for sure; life is better with it. I´m a fan.

Happiness: I like living life on my own terms. Money allows me to, and too me money equals freedom, and freedom equals happiness. Happiness is in my eyes the ultimate form of success, and in that way I've been successful every day of my life. I´m happy every day, not all day every day. But every damn day. Which in some ways makes me a lot less willing to use my time on stuff that doesn't increase my happiness instantly. This is stupid of course, sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty to reap what you sow. The solution for me will be to outsource the boring stuff, and keep doing what I love. Happiness restored instantly and increased eventually.

However being too happy can make you complacent, and although I've never been one to stay inside my comfort zone I can see the appeal. I've even dreamt of becoming a lottery winner more times than I can remember, not to never having to work again, but to create my own legacy. A way to better peoples lives in the most genuine way, simply by making them happier and by that creating a better world little by little. One smile at a time.

While starting to build such a huge legacy with massive funds would be awesome, and not nearly as challenging; I've decided to build it without. To prove to myself and others that its not only possible, its happening right now. In all corners of the world regular people are working day and night to build their dreams and making the world better because of it. I don't know about you, but to me this is awe-inspiring and I've decided to join in. Will you?