The invader

I don’t agree with the claim that “the customer is always right”. The experience I have is not 100% representative, as I used to work as a curator in an art gallery. The peaceful environment-thank God-didn’t leave enough space for huge tension between us and the customers/visitors.
Except of the usual “don’t touch the art works, the paintings, etc”, the main problem we had, was related to the closing hours. I can totally understand the fact that you wanna take some time to relax and enjoy the exhibition. I never interrupted anyone, till half an hour after the closing hour. This is when I started turning off the lights, after kindly announcing that we have closed. I mean come on, you wanna take your time and I wanna take my poor self back at home-10 hours are enough I guess. Come tomorrow to see the rest of them, don’t be such a douchebag.
What really impressed me one day though was the following. For two hours, 15.00-17.00 we used to get the rolls down, but we were always leaving a small open space just to make sure that we would not lock ourselves in-this had happened in the past and it was not pleasant. In that time we were working on presentations and several other things for the gallery.
Suddenly a woman appeared out of nowhere in front of us smiling. The first thought that came to our mind was that we forgot to get the roll down. I went to check again and it had about 50 cm open space.
So this woman just literally crawled in, besides the fact that the lights were off and the roll was almost down and asked us to see the exhibition. We were standing there speechless, looking at her like she had 10 noses, whereas she was smiling, as everything was totally normal. We tried to explain to her about the opening hours etc but since she found people by sneaking in, she refused leaving without completing her mission.
We had no other option but to let her stroll around. This is when I realised that some people are idiots. I mean those bloody rolls are down for a reason and that reason is certainly not to play limbo. But probably some believe that they deserve doing whatever they want.
The customer is not always right. Employees are just doing their job and this should be respected as well as the customers’ needs. Let’s make a try to cooperate for the best and coexist peacefully!
Oprah Winfrey did the EXACT same thing in Switzerland and when things didn't go her way, she claimed racism (racism, sexism and homophobia, the 3 easy solutions when you have no logical or valid points to provide during an argument). So, my question is: Do the same rules apply for rich, spoiled customers? If yes, then all is good with me.
PS. I usually deal with kindness and patience with idiots simply because I don't look at their pockets but their inability to think deeper or less egoistically as they do.
The way to deal with idiots is to act like more of an idiot. So they think they are smarter and have made the discovery of what you want them to do themselves and then hopefully they do it. Almost like the Socratic method. Other wise blunt force.
Exactly! Personally I apply the same rules for all.. Unfortunately some employers don't think that way though.. So as an employee you have to go by the boss's book even though it is unfair according to your beliefs.
You are a hero for being able to deal with idiots.. Most of the times I loose my temper.. :P
The woman had a very big thirst to enjoy art))))
Maybe she came from afar)))
haha Yeah she did, she was on fire! :P
She thought that your party is on fire)))
I'm pretty sure that "customers" and "employees" will have to go to separate heavens when they die :-)
Indeed!! Those will never get along! :)
I would have rolled her out under the rolls.
hahah If the gallery was mine, I would do the same :P
niceeeee ..... please one vote give me everyone please
This world is filled with idiots..
I couldn't agree more!!
Χαχαχα!!! Ένα ΛΟΤΤΟ χρειαζόμαστε.. δε υπάρχει άλλη σωτήρια!
χαχαχα πες το ψέματα!!
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Hello @eliakon I totally agree with you, Some clients if allowed to break rules would eventually violate the whole thing. I guess that woman were not someone who appreciate art in the first place as appreciation of art requires common sense. Next time find a way to open the rolls from within and close them 100% :)
lol You are so right about it!! Unfortunately art is open to anyone so you may have to deal with those people as well :/
there is a line in everything that should not be crossed, and I feel if it is, all bets are off ... Honestly you are a better person than me ... I would have told her to leave or be escorted into a police car for trespassing ....
hahah Maybe your way is way more efficient :P