Overcome adversity with a bit of resilience

Hi, Steemit!
I've been a little distant studying about something I recently started investigating and learning, it's a kind of necessary and important tool for daily life as for the business purposes.
Throughout our lives, we face situations that can make us feel as if we fly, or that can make us feel as if we were under water with iron boots. It's always easy to be fine and to enjoy those good momments in life, but when we are in a bad situation we see very difficult to find a light un the darkness, leading us to make mistakes that turns the situation even worse.

Actually, we all have the ability to evoke that light in the middle of an adverse situation, this is known in the field of psychology as RESILIENCE. Wikipedia describes it as "the ability to overcome an adverse stimulus," and then refer to it as a series of processes, this can be understood as the ability to "surf" the strongest waves in the sea of emotions that we can have when we recieve a negative stimulus, the ability to prevent falling down and then getting out of it the best possible way from even the worst of the abysses.

After a sentimental breakup I discovered this important source of light ... And it happens that, well ... After a strong loss our whole environment is distorted by the absence of that being that filled large spaces in our lives. Miraculously I began to discover different videos and articles full of tips to overcome even the most terrible situation.
Kevin Guanillo, in an article posted on the "Today I Learned" (hoy aprendí), points out four steps to achieving resilience:
Be positive
Sometimes it's hard to be positive when things don't go the way you want, whether in everyday life or in business (like when you bought a currency at a high price and discover that its price has devalued - you have lost money and it seems that You will not be able to recover it -). The point is that sometimes it's necessary to take a break and wait, stand still and see how things progress. Many people rush and (error alert) act without measuring the consequences of his/her decision, but being easy for things to change, you may achieve not only the expected results, but you could get a better profit. So be positive and everything will work out.

Keep in touch with someone who supports you
Most mistakes are committed when we are alone (loneliness, the mother of all mistakes), so it's important to have a friend (or friends) by your side, someone who gives you a encouragement word when everything seems to be lost. When this happens, always remember that two heads think better than one, since when a person sees only from one point of view, the presence of a friend (or a group of friends) could help you to see things from another perspective.

Do good things to make people feel good
It always feels good to help others achieve their goals, observe other situations and help them resolve it. It will allow you to have positive thoughts like "others are worse than me", or "if he could do it, I will too." Helping others allows you to gather positive energy needed to deal with unpleasant situations. As Miguel Angel Landa said: "Do good and don't look at who".

Take good care of yourself
This point doesn't refer to eat good food or to exercise to be physically healthy (although it also matters), "taking good care of yourself" refers to be aware of the moods you have when proceeding with Some personal matter, with labor issues or when it's about money. The daily stress can predispose you to react impulsively or negatively, making you lose more of what you want or more than what suits you, so it is vital to develop activities that allow you to relieve stress or negative emotions without hurting yourself (like drinking and drinking) or to others. It is also advisable to have a good dose of sleep and rest, to avoid reckless decisions to take place in the most important things in your life.
In an interview given to Anthony Hopkins about acting tricks, he recounts his experience by giving himself respite from adverse situations. In his own words:
Try to take a break and leave behind the tension of your problems... Enjoy what you have at this moment and you will recover your center to proceed the best way you can..! You will find that your life will work better if you follow these steps.
Guanillo quotes a poem that helped Nelson Mandela while in prison:
"No matter how narrow the portal,
How charged with punishments the sentence,
I am the owner of my destiny:
I am the captain of my soul."
Consulted source: http://www.hoyaprendi.co/2017/05/02/no-necesitamos-muchos-libros-de-autoayuda-necesitamos-resiliencia/