Opinion: America is dead

in #blog7 years ago

The America we knew from 1965 - 2016 is dead.

Ask yourself this: Would the average American be more willing to fight in an overseas conflict if they were drafted? Or would they be more likely to fight in a civil war here at home?

I personally think the average person would be more willing to fight in a civil war than willingly fight in an overseas conflict if there were a draft.

There is next to nothing that unites Americans at this point. Football was the last nationalistic past-time that the average American could participate together in, but now it has become apparent to Football viewers that these players do not play for any nationalistic reasons. In fact, these Football players resent the country and resent the Football viewers to some degree.

Sports has always been a bread-and-circus past-time to distract the underclass from real issues, this phenomenon goes back thousands of years to the Roman empire where citizen's only outlet were games like Chariot Racing.

Now that the weak facade of Football is falling, it is beginning to become apparent to the normal person that we live in a completely divided culture. We are divided by religion, sub-culture, lifestyle, and class. The average American has little in common besides simply co-existing with people who also want to make some money, send their kids to school, and partake in a law system that sort-of works for them sometimes.

We are in a period of rebirth, and this is obviously not the first time this has happened. There is a social and historical theory that says that American history repeats itself in four phases over-and-over, and we are in the fourth phase (read about that here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory).

At this point, the future of America is up for grabs. We are seeing a pendulum swing towards populism as the people wake up from their comatose slumber and realize our entire country has been taken over by billionaire globalists who own our politicians.

I believe we will take back our future and build something better than ever before, but there will be some struggle and growing pains in the process as there normally is during an American cultural rebirth.



There is next to nothing that unites Americans at this point.

I believe this to be false. If you were to look through the lens of what makes Americans wake up every morning and handle their business right up to the weekend in how they enjoy themselves, you would find vast commonalities.

Via popular mediums of media, only those issues which cause and continue divide are promoted.

I believe we will take back our future and build something better than ever before, but there will be some struggle and growing pains in the process as there normally is during an American cultural rebirth.

Right on in this respect, but only because of the backlash created by the above mentioned. Crony capitalism has exploited this country and added to the deficit. The spirit that founded the principals that Americans hold dear will persevere. It won't only be localized to this country however. The grip on control is waning.