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RE: Game of Coins

in #blog7 years ago

Dont underestimate the power of government to shut down things they don't like. Your post assumes government would try to compete on a level playing field, and would end up losing since the playing field is level.

How is that working out for you in education? health care? etc.?

Government can still win, despite incompetence, if they use their power to ensure the playing field is not level.


Valid point @davebrewer. My question to you is where is the playing field for the government, actually the bankers through the gov't, to tilt?

Isnt that why decentralization is so exciting? Sure the US gov't can play their games, just like China is doing now. Is that stopping anything? I fail to see how these events have anything to do with clouding the future for cryptocurrencies. It is like water, dam it up and it will find a way elsewhere.

People are posting that their are stats showing that BTC exchange volume is picking up in Hong Kong, Japan, and even the US after the China move. The Chinese want to control that which by its nature is designed not to be controlled.

So while I agree with the force of gov't in spite of their incompetence, I think they are sunk on this one. Blockchain is something that has Dimon worried. When a guy like that is out on the big stage bashing it, he knows he is in trouble.

The Chinese are giving away a great advantage.
Eventually they'll realize that...and be angry.

The Chinese have historically allowed their obtuse outlook to skew what is best for them. They missed controlling international shipping because they preferred the splendor of the regattas, ships ill suited to sail the straits.

The same thing could be happening now. Although this time, I think they are aware of what is going on. I will be surprised if exchanges are closed at the end of October...I have a feeling they will be state owned by then...or soon after.

OR...perhaps they are messing with BitCoin for some other reason?

@everittdmickey lose for one is gain for others. Plus one and following you.

By end October China have political meeting after wich is expected a green light for china exchanges .Clif High talk about that in the last tree amigo intervew .

@davebrewer upvoted and following you.