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RE: The History of The Grey Aliens
I read that they are created by Annunakis like we are but that they are from the future can be true as well. Hope to see one soon :)
I read that they are created by Annunakis like we are but that they are from the future can be true as well. Hope to see one soon :)
Well in my recent post about the origin of humans I did speak about the fact that in our universe a separate faction of the Annunaki's created workers aka humans. and then later other races added genetics to ours which brought about a grand experiment in which we are to become an amazingly strong race. Because we contain so many genetic alterations.
So in a sense, those greys are directly related to us whom also must have been made by Annunaki beings in their respective universe.
but since that is merely a parallel reality its hard to really say whether that's the case or not.
For us yes we were sorta put together by beings who visited earth for resources. and this later grew out into the most anticipated evolutions which we are now living.
To grow from Homo Sapiens to Homo Galactica basically.
Which we are now becoming over time.
Nice I will later check out your post about the origin of humans. I think they where harvesting monoatomic gold and created us do do the work for them. I tell you I saw 2 time a UFO the first time was outside of Berlin my brother in law told me to come quick outside he saw it first it was flying like I have never seen something like that. The second I saw in Mauritius many people saw it that day and one of my cousin made this picture here. It was first a very small bright light and then it became bigger and bigger like on the picture and then it just disappeared.

Yup this is actually the last stage that they do for usually few years in a row to make people aware they will be making contact. as to make people get used to the idea of objects flying in the skies.
so expect more of this to happen ;)
And yes the Annunaki needed gold and other resources for space travel that is correct.
I have been on one spacecraft once and It's really weird though.. once you step on the craft its as if you are directly linked to the consciousness of the ship, and also the inside is always bigger than the outside.
So the Inside may be mothership size but the outside may just be a Flying saucer medium sized craft. Really freaky.
Damn that is crazy how and where did you got on a spacecraft? And from what Alien race was it? I would love to have this experience!
To have such an experience I would say ask for a Genetic Lineage benevolent species to come to you, thats how i did it, did it for 2 weeks but nothing happened and then out of nowhere when i gave up about the thought of asking them, it happened.
It would be very nice of you if you can give me some links where I can read more about Genetic Lineage Benevolent Species. Thank you
No links are needed, my friend, understand that these beings are highly advanced and can even skip timelines so when you, for example, put out the call now and they miss it for lets say 7 years, they can go back in the time stream and to you it will then seem as if it was 2 weeks like with me or maybe longer..
It all depends on your call to them and their willingness to wanna take you on, on that invitation.
don't expect them to come but know if they wanna come they are welcome too come.
And also understand other beings than the ones i had coming to me is highly likely, since mine were directly connected to me.
So if I were you just meditate, and focus only on the thought of wanting to meet your strongest connection to galactic family possible, and even imagine that thought flying into space, because imagination is a strong link in the higher dimensions. its actually the internet for higher dimensional entities and communication.
And do it 15 min a day and ask for it. then after 2 weeks if nothing happened stop, and just live your life.. but don't expect anything to happen. If you need it to happen in your life it will happen, but its not based on wanting, because what you need is always in accordance to your evolution, your wanting is not.
Hope that helps :)
Yes thank you I understand you now. I very much enjoyed our chat and all the information you gave me! I hope and pray for you to meet them again.