Has anyone ever wished for time to come back?

in #blog7 years ago

In life, everyone has a couple of times hoping for time to come back. It is not regret for a moment, a word, a decision, or something unfinished, sometimes just a memory of oneself then, at that time, when the smile was still careless , and the look is still clear.

When people are big enough, people suddenly see the star child full of brilliant colors. Green Acres engrossed. Mellow white clouds. Fiery chili dragonflies. The color ink in book is very purple. The yellow cat in the sun light. Rain on the gray roof. Black trash run under late summer. The whole world is radiant, wonderful and clear. Then when grown up, the world is only a nostalgic domain, but whether people try to find, look at a corner of the glass can not be reproduced again. Not a white color like the wind as the wind through the gap on the east door, no purple as long as the horizontal landscape, no other pink flowers like strange new flower first love ...

When people are big enough, people suddenly see the simple life of stars, so beautiful. When you grow up, people can eat any specialties, but not happy with the ice cream sucking eaten at the school gate school hours. People can shop for any trendy clothes, but not eager to put on his mother's shirt for Tet. One can go with his lover in an expensive car, but he does not feel his heart fluttering like he did after the bike of his old absent minded. Well, people can get everything they want, and then realize that, when life is overproductive, there are values ​​only when there is not enough to feel.

When people are big enough, the ego grows too. People are no longer happy, because of their pride and prejudice, of those around them. People then limit themselves in norms, so that everything is just enough. To not too earnest, not too passionate, not too crazy about something. Dreams do not pursue, love does not show. Do what to think, how will the next day. Then it is said that will not be miserable. But then, do you think that life is happier?

When people are big enough, people no longer see the colors. Instead, regulation, confused. Whites are black, in fact there are fakes, in close proximity, in meetings with separation, in the smile of concern, and in sentimental deliberation. People also know to keep the distance, and then suddenly find themselves too lonely. Loneliness is not alone when there is no one beside, but when in the midst of joyfulness find themselves uranium, between the laughter in the heart of the rain falls, between the love and indifference. When no one understood and shared. When you do not belong to a place or a person. Everyone wants to be close to each other, but why is everyone so lonely?

When people are big enough, people start to look again. People are looking forward to returning to their old days. When you are happy with the little things, when you love to be innocent, when the world is clear sunlit doors, windy days, the night of studying passion or the gathering you Happy friends.

However, yesterday had gone. As a grown tree can not grow young, grown up people must learn to stand firm in the wind in the rain. Everyone can tell you that joy and happiness are all around us, just know it. But no one can tell you that joy is waiting right there, right where it is. No one knows exactly when the joy will come, and from where, from whom. So go on, keep your passionate love, be content with the beautiful things, the imprints when small but hard to fade in life, and do not worry about the beginning or the end.

When people are old enough, people realize that life is not always clear. Do not always look up, the sky is blue, the clouds are white. There are times when the sky is a forgetful color and there are times when the clouds are full of colors like rainbow after rain. But anyway, we are still living under this sky, in this life full of uncertainty, we have found each other, walking together.

And that is important.


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