I Feel Lost!

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Cyberbreath Train.jpgAs a kid I remember my mom telling me I could do anything I set my mind too. I've been "researching" for over twenty years now in just about every category that I can think of. I read and I read as well as watch video after video. As I have had the time to stay at home without having to do much work at all, and I know what your thinking but I own my own home. I moved out when I was 15, anyways back to the story.
Now that everyone's starting to pay attention with all this free time on there hands are starting to see there is more to life then a nine to five. That there is more efficient ways to do everything. That there are better ways to live. Healthier thing to eat, etc, etc... That's all I've been doing for twenty years and to be honest I feel lost.
I have attempted to learn almost every basic profession so I don't need to call on anyone for help. I have distanced myself from the world as I've never felt as I think the same way. I have designed hundreds of patent-able things yet never patented one. I used to feel motivated to do things and push myself to the next level.
All in all I have done this same thing over and over again in almost every category I can think of... Which goes back to the "I don't think the same way" comment I made. I feel like the parameters we have to follow are put in place to limit you. I've never limited myself or set goals other then never cheat.
I have continued to learn or teach others things I have learned. Which has helped alot of people as well as myself over the years. It feels good to fix or help someone if you have the knowledge, hell even if you don't have it just being there to fail with someone can make a great laugh from time to time too.
Although now I don't know what to do. I've never cared about money otherwise I would have out one of the inventions I have stored away. I'm sure its nice to have an abundance of cash flowing out your butt. But do you really need it? I recently came across a billionaire on YouTube and hes the first one I've followed over a quote. "If you don't think money can buy you happiness, then you don't know where to shop!"
Now all these years later I hear some wisdom lol. I'm not selling anything if that where you think this is going its not. I just feel like I've been procrastinating, not living up to the dream at this point. Then again you have to be asleep to live the "American Dream," that's why they call it a dream... ;)
But for real though I can't seem to find my purpose in life. I brought up the money part as I'm not rich by any means. After listening to that billionaire talk for a few hours it makes you feel like you have never done enough. At least to the amount that it would count.
The point is I have an abundance of knowledge but what for? There's no way to learn everything...and I would like to help everyone and leave a mark to show I existed, but to what get treated like Nikola Tesla. All everyone does is buy, buy, buy, want, want, want...Why doesn't everyone work together for once. Hang people in the street like George Soros and stop letting them rip apart humanity over and over again.
Why do we let company's control everything? So what there's no other inventions out there to replace cars and get rid of oil usage? Or no cures to anything cause big pharma needs to make a quick buck and keep you sick off it? No low cost energy devices to replace nuclear power? Why do we use 90% or our usable farm land to feed our livestock which only give us 23% of our food? Or the knowledge of the amount of water wasted to make 1 hamburger in the end? Lets say 30% of the world are hungry and 70% of the world has more food then they need, why don't we fix it?
There are so many things out in the world people could fix. I think capitalism causes a greed problem. We both know we don't want socialism or a one world government. Definitely don't want communism those governments should just be executed by there people.
Sorry, I forgot people don't want to hear about anything anymore, they are fed up with listening to everyone telling them the world is shit like they can do something about it. Well I hope one day we can all start to work on the things that need fixed. Instead of just burring our head in the sand and ignoring it all...maybe one day. Til then back to the sand later ya'll!

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