Learning Experiences and Technical DifficultiessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Hey folks! So as if writing a blog post everyday wasn’t ambitious enough for someone who hasn’t done much writing in the past, I decided the other day that I was going to try making a Dtube video to add to my channel. I have even less experience with making Dtube/YouTube videos than I do with writing, so this was another nice stretch to my comfort zone.

I put the word out on my Facebook that I wanted to start making some videos, and one of my friends piped up and set me on the right path by telling me about Loom. An easy to download Chrome extension, Loom allows you to record your screen and audio simultaneously, all without having to download any bulky software. The best part is that you get access to all the functionality for the fantastic price of $0. It seemed too good to be true, but with the recommendation from my friend, I decided to give it a try.

It was super straightforward, and after creating an account and getting used to the interface, I was off to the races recording my first video. After a few hours of researching, planning and recording my video, I wound up with a piece that I was totally unhappy with. So I scrapped it! But I took with me the lessons from the experience. I was sad that I wasn’t able to post anything for the day, but tired from the day's lessons, so I reluctantly went to bed.

When I got up the next day I was determined to give it another try, and I was in luck. As I scrolled through my daily news feed it was clear what I wanted to talk about. So I got to work on it.

This time I was already familiar with the interface, and had the practice editing from the day before, so things were a lot easier. I was able to get the video done much quicker, and when I was done, I was satisfied with what I had made. It was the uploading this time that proved to be the sticking point.

After going through the upload process twice Dtube just wouldn’t play my video once I had published it. After doing some research I read that a lot of other people have been having the same issue as well. I tried to find a solution, but I wasn’t able to get to the bottom of it, and in the end I decided that I would just post the video on YouTube instead and insert a link to it on the blog post. The YouTube upload went through without any issues, and now it’s up there for all y’all to check out on YouTube; Get your ticket now for the NEX lottery!!!

All-in-all I have been learning a crap ton since I started posting on Steemit, and I’ve been loving the challenge. I WILL get to the bottom of the Dtube issue, and I WILL eventually start posting more video content. For those of you that have been reading along as I go on this journey, I thank you for taking the time to stop by. As always, any comments, tips or suggestions are more than welcome.