Blog Update #5: I Am Back

I am back, and I am feeling much better.
So many of you have welcomed my return and reached out to me personally while I was away. Your support acted like a magnet that has drawn me back to Steemit. I spoke of you often to my important IRL friends. I was proud of us for making such a strong connection through our creations here on Steemit. So, thank you.
Here’s the short form version of a very long story:
I was “stuck” in a job I hated. I tried everything in my power to make it the job work for me. I struggled to find ways to be creative and helpful in my role, but this employer really wanted someone that would shut up and do robot work.
I am terrible at shutting up, and I am also not a robot.
So, I left my company property on my desk at the end of the work day and walked out.
I was never stuck in my job, but I manufactured enough excuses to create the sense that I was stuck.
In reality, it was as simple as walking out.
My biggest mistake was staying as long as I did, and not following my own advice.
Now, I have a bit of money and a bit of time to think about my next steps.
I am writing a lot. I am volunteering at an organization that I think is important. I tuck my girlfriend in at night and wake up with her at 4AM when she decides to punish herself by going to the gym.
Simply put, I am happy and doing the things that make me happy.
The money will come when I spot a new opportunity.
But today, I am just happy to be back here with all of you.
Gratefully yours,

Banner made by @Zord189
Tough decision... but sometimes you have to do what you have to do!
First off, how do we know you're not a robot? 😉
And I think I can speak for everyone to say that Steemit is very happy to have you back here with us.
So happy you're happy again. Here's to enjoying the next steps on your new WICKED AWESOMESAUCE journey!
Oh, and here's a welcome back - tip!
Hey. Lookie there. He did find that pencil icon. See. I told you all you had to do was click on it and start writing. 😂
Making the tough decisions like quiting a job are never easy. The sense of liberty and relief afterward are well worth it tho. Being willing to let life unfold as it will is a big step towards wisdom. Having the faith to take such steps only promotes growth, so, bravo, well done.
Life, as is Love, is a process, not a destination. It doesn't, or rather can't "Go" anywhere. You can tho, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Man, that's a lot of comma's.
Yes! I did find it! It was tricky to track down, because they hid it on my obviously ;)
Thank you for the advice. Enjoying the ride is a must from here on out.
Happy to be chatting with you again, @Spozone.
Ditto. If I ever get my way and get to a point where I can become a winter Texan, perhaps I'll come stay up in your part of the world for summer. I want to get started building on a tiny home to tow around the countryside mining bitcoin on wifi-hotspots, solar power and tacos.
That's the courage we need to walk out something that we hated and start something we love! Kudos to you and wish you all the best @chrismccron!
Hi, @Kimzwarch!
Thank you! Displaying courage often doesn't "feel good". It was scary, anxiety-provoking, and made me question my capabilities. But in the end, I knew I was making the right decision. I only wish I had done it sooner.
I appreciate your comment. Have a wonderful day! :)
Yes, to step into the unknown usually does not feels good but you are now 'free' from the hated environment and out to the free world to create your own.
Take care and Steem on!
Yippy, yippy hooray. I'm so happy to read one of your posts again. I can so relate to the job situation and how you were feeling. It's so amazing to let it go and move on to happier things. So awesome and welcome back 😀.
Hi, @Jusipassetti! That makes me so happy. I am amazed by the connections we can make through a medium like the internet. To have my presence be missed is a great feeling. I really missed interacting with the great people like you that always showed up for me everyday.
I already have tomorrow's post written up!
Thank you for the warm welcome back. <3
I know exactly what you mean. I've met so many amazing people on this platform.
when you learn to quiet your mind and live in a state of gratitude, the answers will come and you will be inspired to go in the right direction.
I am already feeling the pull of the current in the right direction. Thank you, @Claudiaz! Good to see you again. :)
happy to hear that, be well Chris!
Been there, done that. Now I'm doing something that I love to earn a living and Steemit is my new found hobby that I enjoy!
Welcome back!
Wow! That's a fantastic accomplishment! Congratulations!
I'm sure you will find yours soon. Cheers!
To be able to go to nowhere in the search for the best is what you can strive for. You're strong. Do not worry and move forward!))
Thank you, @Amalinavia! I was hoping that I'd have all the answers before I made a change, but I now know that the day where I have all the answers is never coming.
Never say never))
Hey man; super happy to see you on here again. Hope all is well!
Congratulations @chrismccron! Such an important decision you've made Chris; you should be very proud of yourself :)
Aw, thanks. I am proud! It was hard to see it that way at first, but I realize now I needed to be brave and take the leap.