I Want Out! Sick of the Rat Race! How Steemit Has Helped

in #blog8 years ago (edited)


That's ^^ what the rat race makes me feel like. We are in a perpetual hamster wheel, day in, day out. I despise it. I despise the "locked in" feeling. The taxes, the requirements, the this, the that. It is all too much. Modern day man is akin to a zombie. Go to work, go home, wash, rinse, repeat. And pretend we are happy to do it.


I thought I would be immune to this by doing the "right thing" - going to college for something I'd enjoy. Well, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my work as a PT assistant. Specializing in the geriatric population and helping them to regain strength and mobility is awesome.

The government beauracrasy behind it isn't. This person doesn't get that specialized PT service they need because they "only have" medicaid. This person gets more treatment than they actually need because they have the almighty "medicare." Then there's this Medicare patient that doesn't get the full care they need because "oh, they don't have a secondary!"

Doesn't matter what your job though, the government is all tangled up in it. If you don't think so, just take a look at that whopping 30-40% they take out of your checks.

Now, I know at a base level SOME taxation can be benificial. But to what avail? People are being taxed to the breaking point. My student loans that I started taking out in college ELEVEN years ago would be paid off by now if I wasnt taxed so harshly.

This post isn't about tax though. It is just about the less than pleasant realities facing most working class people.

The endless stress, the ever elusive peace. It's a lot to handle. Work-life balance, you say? Non existent. Maybe if a full time work week was 25-30 hrs and your commute was within reason. Seems like when I'm off work everything catches up to me, especially rough if I am in a depressive bout. Which I'm prone to, being a person with bipolar disorder and PTSD.

I had to get official documentation written up so I can have mental health days without risking my job (which by the way, I have been a model employee at this company for over 4 years...)

Not to mention the unpleasant chores you have to do on your "days off." Yeah, my head hurts sitting here getting my car maintenance done. My chest feels hella tight in this crowded grocery store with halogens beaming through my skull. Yeah my mouth feels dry trying to "catch up" with my damn neighbors on the weekend. What's wrong with some solidarity? A nature walk with yourself or a friend? Peaceful conversation with your best friend? Alone time? I love being alone. My best thing to say is hold onto those moments. Savor your best friends embrace and kind words. Never let it go.


I've always been a firm believer in you need to enjoy what you do. Or at least be passionate about it in some way. I must say, I never thought I'd be as successful on steemit as I have been, both monetarily or socially. I expected maybe a few bucks or less. I mostly got on here because seemed like a pretty cool community and I'm not a big facebooker.

In a short time, steemit has helped me a lot - mentally and monetarily. I've met some really awesome folks - I'd mention you but I just know I'd leave some of you out.

My hope is to go to part time work (since I do love helping old people) and full time steeming! I love steemit. I love reading all you amazing people's blogs. I love being able to pour my crazy heart out and be heard and you guys appreciate it enough to throw a few cents in my cup? Damn, what an amazing place. I hope to be a longstanding part of this community.


Thanks for listening! Have a great day/night depending on your locale and, as always, full STEEM ahead!

Image 1 & 2: shared with me
Image 3: Zedge
Image 4: my own!

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The rat-race is hard, even if you are a lean, mean rat.
The only advice I can offer is - dream. Have a dream, build on it, work towards it, make it a reality.

I too want to write for a living. But to get to that dream, I need to still run with the other rats for a while. I don't try to keep up, because I don't want to go where they are going. I have a different destination in mind.

But until I can make the break, I'll keep on playing the game, and building my own dream.

You can do it too. Just look at the other rats and know you are different. Their future is not your future.

Dreams are what we need to get us where we want to be. No government has found a way to tax your dreams (yet)

I love this. True stuff!! I will hang in there. Thanks for the comment and support

No problem. One cool trick is to find a big, slow rat and tuck in behind them. That way no-one bothers you for going slower. ;-)
It may be a rat race, but you don't have to try and win it.

Nice. You actually got a chuckle out of this girl! :)

A chuckle is good ;-) I like a good chuckle.

Well laughter is the best medicine :)

We might be sharing a brainwave at the moment. I just went hard on the "system" in my last poem lol. Glad steem is helping you out!

Nice. I'm really hoping over to your profile. First the depression one then this? Must be on the same wavelength

rat race is on steemit too, think the trick is too just throw cheese off into the distance and let them fight over it lol, this post was nominated by @clayboyn and upvoted by a Narwhal

True. I'm here to enjoy the ride, reap the benefits, learn from others, and provide quality content =)
I fully enjoy it so it's not a rat race to me. Apprecaite @clayboyn for the nomination a ton thougj! !!

@chelsea88 & @clayboyn - It's something in the air... Even though i'm sure 3 of us are distanced with dozens of thousands of kilometers. something is definitely changing. I'm having a week long rage, towards the system where i'm being pulled in even as business owner, by people from the system being corrupted completely... For 2 weeks i'm trying to assemble project related to Steem that will help me finish with the system, but on other hand, how things are going, here it's gonna be soon governmental rules same like outside...

Cheers for great post and even better 1st comment!


Well, good luck to you on your project. Sounds like you're spreas thin. Yuck! Thanks for the comment and support

Thanks for sharing something genuine and heartfelt. Nature walk as often as possible. I feel like this whenever I am in a city. And when I feel like that I spend some time in nature. Last week I just went and balanced rocks in the creek to get away.

I feel you! Sounds like something I would do it go for a run =)

I'm right there with you! Keep dreaming. yo will get out of it. It's all about positioning yourself for wealth. Steemit is definitely where u can make that happen. also the crypto game in general. Awesome post!

Thanks for the comment and support. I think your right!

What a wonderful post, you know, my friend Shells from that post you liked? She is a nurse as well and he used to work at an addiction clinic where her colleagues went on a literal witchhunt on her ass. It is really awful the accusations that she is facing, they are ridiculous and include using Aroma therapy and playing the guitar. I hate to see her being bullied like that. She is just trying to look out for her son. Receiving a paid leave, she is getting ready to reintegrate the workforce and she is being bullied again in the process. Sometimes I wonder, is there no justice? How is she supposed to heal her wounds when new ones are being inflicted upon her. On another note, I taught my Minds in Motion (dementia oriented fitness and social) today, we went around the circles as each choreographed a dance and I also had them bouncing balls from their chairs.

Hang in there dear friend, you're so worth it you don't even know. Your FB group is awesome, everybody spread the word!

WOW. Aromatherapy works wonders for ALL ages and a previous manager was trying to get the facility to purchase some oil dispensers so the elderly with heart/lung/kidney/etc conditions can benefit. Of course they were like hell to the no. Probably against some "ordinance " but we are okay with giving them "life saving" drugs that once they come off of, greatly improve their quality of life. Best of luck to Shell. Thanks for the comment and promoting the group. =)

If you can, do it. I'm giving it a shot myself. SteemOn!

Best of luck. I think i Could drop to half time comfortably in like 6 months or less. Its just that employee sponsored health care that worries me

My wife's job supplies our insurance, so I can be somewhat reckless on that front. Best of luck to you as well.

So True What you wrote...