Be extraordinary!
there's something about life and the way things govern it. but what can truly govern life?
I'm sure most would automatically say God. so God governs life. but to what existent?
and the point I am trying to make with these questions is, who are you?
you are not life because it is govern by God and God gave us free will so the very idea that God would intervene
is a contradiction. so again, who are you? are you just simply you. a man or women in a ocean of other men and
nothing special just ordinary because if you believe that and you believe in God. the Idea that you are ordinary is an
insult. you think God is capable of anything less then extraordinary and if you do not believe in God it is still an insult
to life itself. life is extraordinary.
so I ask these questions not to make anyone doubt a certain faith or to make someone realize another faith.
but to simply say you are capable of being extraordinary no matter your faith. you are a creator of the world
so make it what you want it to be. Buddha said
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
and if you do not think Buddha is legit. Jesus said
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
and one more just cause I like it Ghandi says
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
I know that last one is used a lot but it is true all the same. you cannot be afraid. dream and dream big then
make it a reality it is never unobtainable.
you are amazing and beautiful never let anyone ever tell you different. you are able to accomplish anything your
willing to put your energy into. so be amazing, be incredible, be extraordinary
hope everyone has an amazing day!
one song
one race
one love