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RE: Exposing The Food Industry I Have Worked in For Eight Years!!!!!

in #blog7 years ago

Also, a huge amount of food is thrown away at the sorting and packing planets.
It is estimated that half of the produce that comes up through Nagales (Mexico/The US) is thrown away while being sorted there.

I wouldn't call vegan a better diet when trying to avoid animal violence. There is still huge amount of animals killed when tilling farm land. Plants are also sentient beings with feelings too. Also, being a vegetarian or vegan doesn't "save" any animals. It just means less animals are grown. And if everyone turned vegan/tarian, half of the world would starve; we need animals to eat grass so that we can have food.

I find the better way is to raise the animals yourself. With good animal husbandry you are giving as much as your receive and the circle of life is complete. Also, with good husbandry, and not allowing over grazing, the animal manure helps to rejuvenate the soil. Making the whole system even better.

Look up Joel Salatin of Polyface farms and see what regenerative farming can really be like. His books about growing chickens in a chicken tractor is really good. Even if you decide to go vegan/ovarian. Free range eggs are so much better.