Nobody is special and that's just great

It's obviously not a new thing to see how some particular set of people as wholly incomparable and unique, and there is something just special and unusual about them. Let's take a look at Bill gate, he's special because not everyone had the idea about Microsoft that changed the entire world today. When it comes to strength and power we should consider Arnold Schwarzenegger, it takes only a special and unique individual to be a state governor, a movie star and also the strongest man in the world. That's a true definition of being special.
Most people with mundane thinking faculty consider them as black swans, they feel they came out from no where and there individuality is worth of praise. The truth is not all swans are black. Probably you might still be thinking that the ordinary swans (or average people) are left without value or worth? obviously not. Each and everyone of us is unique and special in our own way.
Here's the interesting and confusing point. If each and everyone of us is special and unique, then that approximately means that none of us are either. Being special or unique is useless and meaningless if an average man posses those.
By default, everyone thinks they are better
Basically everyone thinks and feels he/she is special or unique. Even our parents, right from birth they've always known we are special or unique (after all we are their children, if we aren't special then who will be). And they start treating us like special beings from birth, we then grow up with this mentality that we are naturally special or unique.
Right from when we were kids, we've always seen those who are smarter, handsome, attractive and successful better than us. Deep down in us we all want to be recognized or taste fame, it's a simple human nature. That's why we easily get jealous or feel they are extremely unique when we see other making it.
Our self esteem and confidence grows when we eventually get this recognition, although this is good for us but this could have an early inflated sense of pride and egotism thereby seeing ourselves more superior than others.
Feeling special is dangerous
The naked truth is, irrespective of how we want to always be referred to as the special ones, some of us are just ordinary. If you look properly, some people are way better than other people in some things. Some of them might see this as an insult but if they could ponder about this for a while, they'll know it's the plain truth. Remember it's absolutely impossible to be great at everything, that's so impossible and rare. Although some might be better than others in somethings, you on the other hand might be better than them at something else.
We are free to look at people like Bill Gate, Schwarzenegger or Elon Musk as if they are special. But nevertheless, there are things that you can do stress free that they are struggling with. Our problem is, we only see things that they are good at while behind that, there are thousands of difficulties they encounter. For instance, i might be good at running, cooking and writing way more that Bill Gate and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This view of only seeing the positives and great attributes can apply to our view of ourselves too. Someone who is extremely prideful and sees themselves as incredibly special, will naturally have a limited view of themselves. They will be blind to their problems and flaws and negative sides.
In conclusion;
This is a vital problem itself, lack of knowledge and wisdom could lead on to his/her early grave. The truth is those people who we see as successful and unique could actually be in a worst place or situation than others. Behind the smill of every successful man is a world of pain, disappointments, setbacks, depression, heart break and every other negative thing you could ever think of.
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