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RE: Why postmodernism is medieval and a trojan horse... oh yeah, and stupid... The Final Part (maybe).

in #blog6 years ago

Well it's revelation time.


This is the number one tell tale sign of those with this mental illness. ...Because I was mentally ill myself, this is not a disparaging comment to those afflicted with it. Merely an observation.
Those suffering from this illness, will jump on as an 'offensive' slight on their mental state.
They love to be morally outraged.
It's ground without definition, only emotion. They feel secure on this ground, knowing full well that they cannot be called out for what they feel, as opposed to what they think.

Getting them to define themselves on their definitions is their Achilles heel. ....
And a position is the last thing they want to adopt, for then they can be called out. '....but you said'.

You see, calling them out on their own definitions does one of two things...

1/ It illustrates the lack of their own clarity in what they are saying, to them and to others - which in turn highlights the fragility of the 'wise' status that they are trying to foster, for purposes of attaining power..

I literally asked this person to clarify numerous things and they have avoided avoided doing that again and again. For example, they think that their theory of postmodernism being a mind virus because they assert that relativism is anti logic since it posits that truth is relative as truth can only be absolute, and since postmodernism is relativism in response to modernism (Objective Reality), it is also anti reason and anti logic. They base this on what they believe a couple people allude to once or twice. They will not be specific or explain themselves in no uncertain terms, instead they choose vagueness and an extreme interpretation along with the a cherry picked contention that leaves out the important factor about in what context it applies to. Every question of context I've asked about has been ignored or avoided by this person and that does not phase him from accusing others of avoiding to define themselves, basically being vague as fuck is his Holly War, which is only more hilarious as he accuses others of being Emotional and not for reason or logic even though he thinks his theory is reasonable or reasoned well, well enough to cry out again and again how this is war that he's fighting, and he is fighting it because of truth.

Thought experiment, If he were to define one thing, what do you think would happen when he defines paradox? And will his life lose all meaning if he were to find out that he's been fighting windmills and not actual dragons?

Posted using Partiko Android


.......if I’ve offended you in any way, please take consolation in the fact that words are meaningless, because language is an arbitrary construct, and words have no actual meaning at all....

I will not go out on a date with you, if you ask me ...
(just sayin')

The faker prefaced with "if I offended you" because he thinks I am on his level of vilifying ideas or hating a concept, such that I took offense to his nonsense, and that I am like him, as he has in declaring war on ideas. The irony is he's doing exactly what he accused his would be, or so called, adversaries of doing, in futile attempts at trolling me. He speaks of integrity but has no problem with trolling, he speaks of moral responsibility and insists on trolling, literally begging for some reaction with his antagonistic repetition of his reasoning behind the war. He thinks that calling me a Stalker or attempting at insulting me by hypothetically rejecting me makes for humor. For ridicule. But he can only ridicule the vague, much like he ridicules me for not having a life or answering his incessant "how old are you?" questions, he thinks that makes for ridiculing my questions or my contentions when it's clearly trolling. The best part, each single time he only reveals what he thinks and how he responds to valid points.

Posted using Partiko Android