welcome to my world a wee ramble

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Well I'm sitting in my kitchen waiting for the hours to pass before I have to go to work and I really can't be bothered but needs must as they say, I can see the trees blowing about and the rain falling and hitting the ground and in my mind I can hear tiny screams as if they are little kamikaze pilots hitting the ground with a shudder, the trees laughing to themselves as they sweep there branches across one another as if they are having a game of slaps

. The sun as usual has done a runner after burning itself out for the last week or two, partying up there with the odd cloud passing by and blocking the view as the sun has a sly flirt with the rest of the sky, every now and then a car will pass by on the road and you can hear the tyres rolling over the little kamikaze pilots that have given their last to provide drink for the plants and wild life about, but alas the one ones that have hit the roads and the paths have failed in their last duty but have served to wash away he dirt and grime on the streets, so they have at least paid a part.

Every now and then you can hear the birds chirping and it makes me wonder if they are doing what our parents used to do, shouting that we better not move to far off or get yourself home and make sure your room is tidied or get here and go to the shops, silly things play in your mind when you let it wander for a while, I am considering switching on the radio but also I am thinking that the peace and quiet is so nice, compared to later when I have to go to work and deal with real things in life.

There is nothing wrong sitting in your own little world and imagining and seeing silly things, aye I might be getting on in life but I still have a mind from when I was a child where I could sit and make up my own games and friends when needed, sometimes we have to take a break from the real world and enter our own, it is a way of escaping just like when you sit there and stare into space and someone has to come in and say what you thinking about, most of the time we will say not thinking about anything but really we are saying, its got nothing to do with you I am in my own place and what I'm thinking about you wont understand, but in reality we sit there and say not thinking about anything, well maybe we are not thinking about anything but actually you are thinking about not thinking so you are really thinking about something ha ha.

Yes I am just rambling away here and writing whatever comes into my head and wow if your still reading you must be just as mad as me, can you remember the days when you used to walk about talking to yourself and when you seen someone you shut up until they passed as you knew they would go and tell someone then you would have the mick taken out of you, or was that just me.

Then years on down the road we saw people walking about seemingly talking to themselves but they were actually talking into a headset, but how do we know that everyone that we saw was actually talking to someone, maybe for their own comfort they put on the headsets or ear pieces and just talked to themselves, something that we will never know.

I am still sitting in the kitchen a lovely mug of tea and looking out of the window while typing, yep I can multi task, I have even sneezed, coughed hiccupped and broke wind all at the same time so just proves multi tasking can be done, anyway like I said before I lost myself and probably you, I have just also made a new mug of tea and as I said looking out of the window, and as I was watching the trees now gently swaying side by side a song popped into my head, why do you whisper green grass why do we listen to the trees, I've probably got the words wrong but they sound right in my head, but in my mind I can see Don Estelle and Windsor Davies, that's it lovely boy keep singing, don't know why it popped in my head but most of the time random things do, but in my defence I do love remembering the old days as they were so much better.

Its come to that point that I had better stop rambling any old nonsense for the time being as I will have to get back to the real world soon and I must say I do prefer my own little world but hey ho, so if you have got this far I would like to say well done and thank you, and I might do some more rambling again, I do have to say that I can write proper stuff but that can be a bit boring at times, if we all wrote the same we would all be a bit boring, so for now my fellow readers I will bid you adieu until next time, ta ta for now.


Ramblings are just fine, I like my own world its safer than the real one :)

A little tip that helped me. Smaller paragraphs make it easier to read :( plus a picture of what your looking at