What’s your website consumption like?

in #blog8 years ago

How often do people come to your website? Do they like what they see there? Can you keep them coming to see what else you have there? 

Participation & engaging people:

What inhibits people? Often people don’t comment due to all sorts of fears: 

  • Feelings of exposure. Or been ‘put-on-the-spot’ intimidated. 
  • Putting something out there that will perhaps be ridiculed. 
  • Perhaps they feel their grammar or spelling isn’t up to standard. 
  • They lack confidence because their belief in themselves is somewhat low. 
  • Maybe they feel inadequate, perhaps because they feel their talent is mediocre. 
  • Also feelings of awkwardness, due to lack of IT technology knowledge. 

Building strong customer engagement:

No one wants to hang out in a vacuum either! 

  • What have you on your website that people want to come there for? 
  • What exciting stuff do you have to entice them? 
  • What are you offering that’s free? Everyone wants something for free or cheaper than anywhere else! 
  • Have you anything worthwhile sharing? Can people copy and paste what you have on your website? 

How do you empower people? 

People are using mobile phones and tablets more these days than computers or laptops. So keep your website design and pages uncluttered.  

Make things easy for people to digest:

People are getting lazier and lazier. So make it easier to scan down your blog pages.

Employ plugins that make your website and blogs easy to read on phones and tablets. 

Create easy steps to follow and grasp: 

Shorten and simplify sentences, and use easy flowing words in your sentences. 

Organize your content: 

Large paragraphs: A mass of words that look like blocks of blurred words, are intimidating. To break up those large boring looking paragraphs, check the subject matter and do an evaluation: 

  • Where can I break up the paragraph? ”Is everything here on the same topic?”
  • “Can I rearrange the issues, to make things to flow and follow through smoothly?” That is, not jumping back and forth from one subject to another, but in order of action or in sequence. 
  • “Can I break down my sentences in concise facts? And gather those issues into neat bullets?” 
  • Also analyze the whole overall content of the blog, and break it up into partitions and give each one a mean-full, dynamic and suitable sub-title. Does it herald? The paragraph’s topic?” 

Catering to human psychology:

  • People love drama. So give them great eyeball, incredible stuff. Things that will stick in the minds forever as fantastic. 
  • People are natural skeptics and critics. So your credibility and reputation is a stake. They detect junk very quickly. 
  • People are hungry for knowledge. Added to that, your own experience is authentic proof of what you’re saying. In fact, personal stories have great power to reach the heart. 
  • Fame and prestige: People love following leaders. People who know what they are saying and doing. Stuff their followers can gleam from them. And the prospect of been able to be as famous as them.

Have you anything to add to this?

How do you think people re-act to websites and contents they see out there?

What impresses them most?

You know, your comments often give me ideas on what to post next. Because I know it concerns you and you want more on that particular topic.


upvoted 100%, good job

All I know is that I am too addicted to the internet and websites are doing too good a job of keeping me hooked haha

They fear of being judge by other that is why they don't collaborate on comment area. In fact, grammar don't matter as well as the spelling, as long as you express your though and the receiver can understand it, it's acceptable. So, most of them don't react on the website.

Based on my experience as a blogger and a reader, what impresses your visitor are, the layout, the images, and lastly the content of your website. If they find if valuable then they feel impress. Otherwise, don't.

Thanks for you input. It is true: the feelings of people plays a big part on how people relate to your content.

I will support you, God bless you, I learn english, so if I made some mistakes, then I apologize and keep it
thank you very much


What first attracts people to your website is the title of your post.
It must be catchy,this is a must because we live in a noisy world and people seem to be busy.

After they have clicked on the title,the next obvious thing is to have a great introduction to your post.
People generally have a short attention span.

As you said you need to be a leader in your field and also include personal stories to relate to the audience.

In my previous posts (https://steemit.com/blog/@artguru) I covered headline titles and the first introduction sentence (which you could call 'passwords' to the rest of the blog). You are welcome to check those blogs out too.

So many factors to consider but making the site situated for their needs is critical

great post!...loved it...
upvoted and followed

I love you and love your publications I want to be like you and I would be grateful that if you support me, I love you, O Great