My First Blog

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

For the longest time I've wanted to start writing more for personal gratification. I've had a lot of ideas I was extremely motivated or passionate about. Many of these ideas have faded off to the elephants' graveyard in my mind and have long since been forgotten or abandoned. It has probably been more than 20 years since I've written something of my own volition, rather than feeding the indulgences others (school papers, daily bullshit emails for corporate propaganda, and so on). I figured I'd give this a shot to see if I enjoyed this medium as a form of self-expression. So, here I am, listening to Hands-Up Techno, writing my first blog post.

I want this to be less of a diary and more of an opportunity to write about things I think are hilarious, creative, inspirational, questionable, etc. I still want to be able to write unedited and unbiased, so hopefully most of my writing doesn't come off as a complainy little bitch. I spend each and every day walking on egg shells and censoring my mind in order to fit in to societal norms. I absolutely fucking hate it. Here I hope to be free from the shackles of conformity and convey a particular level of purity as I continuously strive to understand what it is exactly I'm supposed to be doing with my life.

I also love learning from other people and comparing the narratives of others who have similar or differing points of view. There's nothing more magnetizing when you read an article or paper that captures the essence of how your mind works and thinks on a daily basis. This definitely fits into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Love/Belonging), but there's much to be said for understanding the mind of your enemies.

We'll see how far this goes. For now, I leave you with a picture of me riding a dinosaur. I also hope to impart a piece of knowledge or wisdom at the end of each post. An author I highly suggest (for those who may not have heard of or read before) is Christopher Hitchens. 

Strength and Honor.


Well now...ah.. I think you covered all here, ha ha . Well done man, very funny photo!

Haha, thanks man I appreciate it. Next time I'll try to keep a more narrow topic and post.

Best Blog Post EVER!!!
Good morrow brother and welcome to steemit. I think you will soon be a favorite in my books. ☺😋I will look forward to see you rcharm and wittiness soon. 🖖

Cheers my new friend. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll try to make this a weekly ritual and see how it goes.

Good on you @antbird23, great to hear from you. Welcome to the strange world of Steemology! Particularly pleased to read your post, primarily because I have just mentioned Christopher Hitchens in a post. He is/was a serious hero of mine in the unmerciful reporting of truth.
Have voted and followed a man of such good taste!

Awesome! You may be the first person I've come across who's familiar with his work. What are some of his writings you most enjoyed?

Hey @antbird23 , good to hear back from you. Hitch 22 is, of course, a good read but I enjoyed most two of his greatest Hitchslaps: Henry Kissinger (The trial of) and his complete disembowelment of the Albanian witch, Teresa. That she died faithless and miserable was a well-earned state of purdah for a woman who presided over so much needless death.
Some of his debates on YouTube are terrific, especially the debate in London, 'Is the Catholic Church a force for good?" Stephen Fry is equally one of my heroes, though in a very different way.
Hitch is a great loss. There are not many of his like around. His ability to triangulate between multiple arguments and literary works was just a phenomenon. What would one pay for a dinner and mad night on whisky with him?!

@ebryans I'll have to look into some of his stuff on YouTube (didn't even consider looking into it really). I don't think there's enough money on the planet to be able to get that experience. Proves to be an inspiration for the rest of us to take up his literary prowess.