10 masterpieces of the animation

in #blog7 years ago

In the animation a masterpiece can be:

• Caricature for tv
• Movie with artistic ends
• Shorts
• Commercial study movie

Not only the realized with an artisticconcept is considered to be amasterpiece.

Here it is when it brings in the question: How is an animation considered to be amasterpiece?

There exist several factors that go fromthe professional criticism joined that ofthe public, recognition in globalfestivals, quality of the animation, narrative and originality, status of cultor enclosed the impact that they havehad across the time and the way that toinfluenced in modern quizmasters.

In this list there are going to beexceptions as it are the outstandingfigures of walt Disney that the movies go from 1937 until 1970 included afterits death.

The works of study Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki.



Most of these movies of both studies, creators and quizmasters are inthemselves masterpieces. The legacythat they have left in the community ofthe animation is enormous and it wouldbe a little unjust to leave to out of thelist several quizmasters of differentcountries, to speak about all the classicmovies of both studies, which wealready know that they are fantastic. That's why Honor to who Honordeserves.


Explained all this let's begin with the top

Blank on blank

PBS / David Gerlach / EU / 2011

One day David Gerlach decided to riskwith something new and left its work asproducer in the news of ABC took a fewfluffs found an ancient bond interviewin youtube, in which the hablaba of thedeath of its father and it beganillustrating it, the concept called itBlank on Blank and the same onebegan producing it basing oninterviews done to celebrities speakingabout deep topics drawing what it wasexpressing. Time later it met PatrickSmith who convinced it to do theproject of animated form, theycontacted to the chain PBS and itssmall project took force. Philipspeaking about the happiness, FidelCastro speaking about thecommunism, Kurt Cobain and theidentity, 2pac Shakur speaking aboutthe life and the death.
Without doubts it is a masterpiece notonly for its animation, if not for thetopics that it touches.


Over the Garden Wall

CN / Patrick Mchale / EU / 2014

Patrick Mchale in 204 had the idea ofdoing a series of two boys lost in aforest while the asechaba slightlyunknown, but it had neither thenecessary experience nor theresources, work of that time arduouslyin (Flap Jack and adventure I stole) doing story board and scripts. Until thechannel saw its idea and him gave thego-ahead. It is a series that wasplanned for 10 years in its head, up tobecoming an ode to the Englishliterature and the dark fantasy. Thecriticism found out about it and also thechannel what did that it was turning into a masterpiece.




Jan Svankmajer / Rep Checa / 1988

Seed drill already had a big Career likefilm maker doing shorts in 1960 and1970 but he wanted something more, wanted to express something morewing of the short ones. The stop motionand the animation with clay needed tocome to a higher point but the topic totalk each other was complicated. Untilsuddenly he decided to adapt the bookof Alice in the wonderland disliked bythe already existing adaptations of thebook that saw it like a fairy tale, I take itas a moral sleep and with his ownwords he says “He wanted to show themovie cheered up like an achievementof our desires without moral inhibitionsand some reason, led by the beginningof the pleasure. My Alice, is a realizedsleep”. Alice gained many reward in theyear 1989 and Svankmajer reached ahigher status than it had already, beingthought the inspiration of bigquizmasters. In fact withoutSvankmajer nor Alice Tim Burton therewould be movies today.

Alice Title.jpg


Samurai Jack

CN / Genndy Tarkakovsky / EU / 2001

If we ask the question
Who is the animated one moreimportant than last years (that it is notwithdrawn)?
The answer is Genndy Tarkakovsky anAmerican Russian that from 1991 hewas learning under the tutelage of bigquizmasters in series like tiny toons orBatman. Until in 1998 it had theopportunity to create its own animatedseries that was Dexter's laboratory, nevertheless its second series wasSamurai Jack who raised its mosttechnical, innovative, important andmore poetical status, giving him aparticular style which had never metearlier in an animated series, basing incomics of Frank Miller and movies ofsamurái. The history of a young mansamurái trying to defeat a demon calledAKU is sent to the future, it untied auniverse of creativity and stages thatthey influenced to many current artistsand at the same time a history that wasrisking having episodes withoutdialogues and was adapting a cinematicstudy to the television. Unfortunatelythe legacy was interrupted becausethey were thinking to conclude thehistory with a movie, which wascancelled after the bad box office of themovie of the powerful super girls. Nevertheless its history is notcompletely dead, nowadays the historycontinues for means of comicshomonyms and a movie financed by itscreator is taking place.



Trilogy Toy Story

Pixar Animation / EU / 1995-2010

Hera 1995 and the primerísimos JohnLasseter had an enormous challenge tomaintain to pixar a company bought byDisney afloat. The history of Wody andBus in a beginning proved to be riskydue to its modern animation, butnobody would think that soon thesepersonages would turn into a banner ofa study. Many movies have marked ageneration, very few have maturedwith them and very few have saidgoodbye tenderly. Toy Story 2 wouldcontinue with the banner raised by thestudy and in the end Toy story 3 wouldsaw a cycle for many persons, analmost perfect trilogy that was on thepoint of achieving a perfect criticism inthree movies. Thanks to this trilogyPixar this is what is nowadays one thestudy leader of animation that offers tous a new experience with every Movie. Let's hope that it does it again in ToyStory 4.



Ernest Y Celestine

Benjamin Renner / France / 2012

The bears and the mice are hostilenatives, the bears have the privilege ofliving in the top world while the micemust live in the low world and must befinanciers and this way mescla thehistory of two unequal personages, agrumpy bear designated to a life ofvagabond called Ernest and a ratoncitathat wants to be an artist calledCelestine. There has an Excellentanimation a few personages given upand excluded from the society whowant to continue sleep and who thinkabout how to fulfill it and who with thetime its bad decisions for examplethem have taken the theft where theyare. The movie recivio awards anddiverse emission in festivals. If theylook for a movie with enormous heartthat makes them feel good and thatsurprises them with its beautifulcinematography, this is its option.



Fantastic Mr. Fox

Wes Anderson / EU / 2009
Long before 2009 Wes was already acult film maker thanks to its works inmovies, but it made to the world to givea scare on having announced its firstcartoon and something that was verydifferent in its movies. The result wassomething glorious, the stop motionused by Anderson exploited beyond thelimits its potential, showing diversestages and its taste for the symmetricalthing basic of its movies, in addition toits exquisite colors palette. The historydoes not continue showing itself behindthe family of the gentleman fox andcomfortable and agreeable life, untilthe decide to return to its ancient lifelike funks' thief putting in risk its wife, son and even the whole animalcommunity in which it coexists.



The beauty and the beast

Disney / EU / 1991

The traditional story of the beautifulone and the beast had already had 4 cinematic versions but they all werehappening unnoticed, the fifthrencarnación looked for the way ofbeing different and did it. GaryTrousdale was making debut togetherwith Kirk Wise in the director's granaryto realize an adaptation for Disney andthey had to overcome what itspredecessors had done. There began anew stage gilded thanks to the sirenitaand the beautiful one and the beast hadto make it much better, the thingswould go out better of the planned. Animpact would have so grade that itwould turn into the first cartoonnominated to better movie, in additionto nominations to better sound, original song and score original. Thatwas not alone the success and theachievement of the movie led her tobeing chosen for its preservation inNational Film Registry along with (pulpfiction, 2001 odyssey in the space) andthanks to this they demonstrated thathe was not alone Walt the creativebiggest in the history of the mouse.



Waltz with Baschir

Air Folman / Israel/2008

Ari Folman decided to move away fromits past and in 1991 he decided to turninto a film maker but the same bogeysof its past were those who gave him theforce of speaking through what therelived the massacre of Sabra and Chatilain 1982 that cost the life of between762 and 3500 civil Palestinians andLebanese caused by a terrorist attack. The movie treats about its memories, about its friends and the horrifyingnightmares and visions that they havesuffered caused that's why, in a dark, animated ambience mesclando realismwith surrealism and too many visualcrudeness.




Marjane Satrapi / France-Iran / 2007

From 2000 to 2003 the graphic novel ofMarjane Satrapi was counting theevents that marked it from its infancyin 1979 living through an Islamicrevolution, being a daughter of a fewlay and progressive parents, asspeaking with a god who looks alike toCarl marks. Its adolescence in a catholicboarding school, its escape, its spiritualand sexual liberation, its anarchisticradical thought and its adult agediscovering that in iran werecataloguing it as very western and inOccident they were cataloguing it asvery Iranian.



Wonderful piece of art. Keep it up

Thanks man have a nice day