Blogging Brought Me Here

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Ini loh, yang bikin aku suka banget ngeblog!
Why are you blogging? What makes you blogging?
I believe that each of us (the bloggers) have our own reason as the answer to the questions above, right? For me, I don't know why, repeating this topic, answering the questions above through articles are always give different results but valuable.

For me, writing/blogging is a self-healing, a soul therapy. It always successfully releasing my stress. But, moreover, blogging gives me lots of benefits. Let me tell you what they are!
1. Writing is a self-healing, a soul therapy.
Yup. As I mentioned above, writing/blogging is soul therapy. As I am a storytelling lover since I was a child, there is a dream to also have my own story written by myself one day. I remember that I already started writing (using my own style - a shy-primary school student style) when I was in the second year of primary school. But...,
As I was so shy, there was nobody allowed to read the story. Lol. I kept them in the book, and the book hidden somewhere. OMG! How can I do that? Do You know where I hide the storybook? Nope, I won't tell you. Lol.
Blogging means we share positive contents on our blog. It is not only stimulating the positive vibes to the readers but also keep us to be in a positive mood, positive thinking as well as increasing our knowledge, since creating good contents means that we have to increase our knowledge as well so that we can produce good and valuable yet informative contents.

2. Blogging comes along the Benefits
What does that mean? Confused? :)
For me, blogging does not only increase the number of new friends (having more blogger friends), but it also opens the possibilities to increase my capacity in writing (by joining the writers'/bloggers groups on facebook), involved in managing blogger communities which open the opportunities to collaborate with brands/agency for their product/services promotion, etc.
Consistently writing is also increase the rank of my blog which then gives me the opportunity to have unlimited privileges at an aesthetic clinic in Bandung. The owner of the clinic is invited me to promote his clinic through endorsement and review their services and product, and for the return, I get the unlimited treatments as much as I required as the privileges.
Consistently blogging and sharing knowledge of blogging and writing is also brought me to be selected as Srikandi Blogger 2013 which was held by Komunitas Emak Blogger in collaboration with Acer Indonesia. This event was conducted in 2013 as a competition participated by Indonesian Female Blogger.

Srikandi Blogger Indonesia 2013 Award
3. Blogging Strengthen Our Memories
Yup. Writing keeps us in sharpen our thoughts, sharpen the thinking power. Writing keeps us away from forgetting about things, right? This is also one of the reasons why I love writing the good things down here (on my blogs) so that I can come here to read them any time I need. I also write down the bad things that happened as the lesson learned.

4. Blogging .... creates happiness!
Yes, no doubt about it! As writing/blogging is a self-healing, soul therapy, so no doubt that this activity will lead the author to the thing called happiness, right? :)

5. Blogging Opens the Opportunities to Earn Income.
Yes! Consistently writing/blogging increased the rank of our blogs. The increasing rank of blogs will leads to the increasing of traffic. More traffic means that we have more opportunity to be recognised by brands/agency to promote their products/services through sponsored post, content placement, affiliation, etc.
What does it means? It means that we get more opportunities to earn income through blogging! Don't you think so, dears? :)

6. Do you have some more to add?
Please do so in the column of the comment, and I will update them here in the articles. Thanks!

Posted from my personal blog with SteemPress :
The child elephant just was born, Kak Alay. hehehehe