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RE: Dealing with problems given to us by our Governments..

in #blog6 years ago

I am confident that no religion is the religion of the peace and Islam is certainly not a peace loving religion. Followers (true) of Islam cannot think beyond their religious text. In my country, we live among them. When India got freedom in 1947, Pakistan was also formed. Pakistan was formed as a country for Muslims. There were around 10 to 20% non Muslims in Pakistan who stayed there and did not come to India. Now, their number is only 2-3 % there. In opposite to that there were around 5-7 % Muslims in India during that time but now they are more than 14%.
Why this happened? I know many liberals won't be agree with me but it is true that Islam divides people in two groups-Muslim an kafirs (one who don't believe in Allah). Why this is a part of their religious books and why those books are revered? Every religion like Christianity had soaked its hand in innocent people's blood. We all are aware of what Christianity did during the middle ages but Christianity amended itself under the pressure of the enlightened people. Hindus had many vices and still has but they are not sentimentally dogmatic towards any God or gods. Buddhism has also the same things. Yes, I am not sure about Judaism because they also originated from where Islam links itself.
Many Muslim youngsters are not fundamentalist but they are forced to shut their mouth because Islam cannot digest defiance. Scholars of Islam are not ready to amend their religion because that will be blasphemy. Blasphemy laws are present in only Pakistan and some other Muslim countries. What happened with Rohingya Muslims is very bad and should be condemned strictly but same thing should have been done for the Yadizis whose genocide is a black spot on the face of humanity.
Religions should have worked for the humans. They should have served us but we are serving them. This is the reason of our slavery. Islam's literal meaning is submission i.e. slavery. That submission often depicted towards rulers. Islam is a social and political system. It is not a way of worship but it is a political system which keeps people ignorant and mold them into a herd.


The only way to know if "religions" solely are responsible for the massacres is to turn back time and delete religion. This is obviously not going to happen. My point is religion is a tool to control, but to control those who aren't aware enough of their manipulation to realize their being controlled, and those who want war will have it one way or another. Be it religion, land, food, or blasphemy. It is the human condition sadly...

I agree. Definitely, religion is a tool like other things in the hand of powerful people who know how to manipulated human thoughts. However, religions were not created to make human life difficult. It was the greed and ego of the people which made them harmful to the health of the society.

If anything religion is helpful in thwarting such things as greed and ego. My point was definitley not that religions are "bad", in case I came across that way. But that sociopaths will use w/e tools necessary to meet their end. Sometimes religion is blamed for the worlds ills. I used to be one of these half-wits. At least I explored enough to learn I was wrong! ;)

Very good comment , sir.

Thank you sir.