Blogging Tip #1 - Myths About Blogging That You Should Overcome

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Like any industry, blogging also has its share of myths… Beliefs that stops people from succeeding…

Let’s first address them, bust them so that you don’t face the same fate… Because…

You need to unlearn the wrongs ones before learning the correct ones

1. You Need To Be Lucky To Succeed

This is the most surprising one I’ve seen. Luck has nothing to do with blogging success 

Successful bloggers didn’t start writing their blog one day and become a hit

They didn’t get 10,000 visitors overnight…

Or made $1000 on day 1

They worked hard…. They learned things that work after a lot of trials and errors… They spent hours on writing and promoting… They thought about quitting.. but decided not to and continued… and continued…

One step after another…

Post after post…

Month after month…

And succeeded…

It’s their effort…that’s behind their success..not the luck.

To succeed…you need to believe in your skills, actions, and efforts…not in luck 

2. You Need A Huge Audience & A Million Hits per Month To Succeed

No. You don’t

Most blogs grow slowly and may not attract a vast audience... They may never get to million hits per month...

But it’s OK

All you need is the right audience...

I’ve seen people who make aplenty with an email list of just thousands...

And people who make pennies with an email list of lakhs

The key to success is attracting the right audience

3. Blogging Is Free

No… it’s not

At least, if you want to succeed… You need a domain and a decent host to start with

Then you might need to invest in the right theme and plugins.

You may have to invest in the right email tool or keyword research tool or landing page tool

All these are essential for your growth [and depends upon your goals]

4. You Need To Be Tech-savvy

Well, it helps if you know your way around the technical things related to the blog

But, you don’t have to be a tech guy to succeed. You can always hire someone to help with it

5. You Have To Be a Great Writer To Succeed

Though it helps if you are a great writer….

Not everyone is a great writer

I’m not

I’m still learning and polishing my craft and so are many others

You don’t have to be a great writer…

But, you should be willing to learn to write better… You should be honest to understand your weak zones…and take measures to get better

And you should be ready to write more and regularly…

Because that’s the only way to get better

6. You Have To Post Every Day


Most people quit blogging because they felt if they don’t blog every day, they won’t succeed.

It’s not the quantity that matters… but the quality

Well, if you can follow a schedule [one post a week or once in two weeks], it definitely helps

But if you ONLY post when you have something to share, it will also work for you [as long as the content you post is of high quality and people feel it’s worth the wait]

7. Your Blog Should Be Perfect From The Beginning

No… When you start… You don’t need the right logo or the design or the tagline

You don’t have to get your headlines perfect or opening paragraphs great or fantastic closings

You don’t need to get everything right

What matters is…


Starting today is 10x better than getting everything right and starting sometime in future

So...don’t wait for perfection

Start today with whatever you have

And the last myth is…

8. If You Blog, People Will Come

No... they won’t

Even if you have the best content in the world that can potentially change people’s lives

No one will come... if you aren’t telling anyone about your blog

Getting your content in front of your audience is as important as writing the great piece of content

Many people don’t get this

They focus more on getting their blog post right…

But then…they wait for their first visitor to come and consume it… which never happens

...and almost kills their enthusiasm….and their blog

That’s why we spend 50% of our time in the 100 Day Blogging Course on how to get visitors to your blog!

:: That's it for today. ::

Now you know what beliefs you should be letting go…

Tomorrow, I will publish the next important blogging tip.


I think people here on steem, are mostly into steem topics. So if you write about something else without special promotion, you will not really be seen as you would like to be.

Thanks so much. So you are suggesting I concentrate on Steen tonics as well right

I'm actually not suggesting anything. Just saying how things stand. If you ask me, there is too many of steem topics, and there are many others that are more important

I agree with you @worldfinances. Thanks