BlockTrades Steem wallet is operational again

in #blocktrades6 years ago

Yesterday, the new Steem code had another "gotcha": this time in code related to the new 'mildly non-linear curation curve'. The error took longer to debug than the previous bugs, but Steemit engineers published a patch to fix the bug, and witnesses are now running with the corrected code.

However, due to the sheer amount of data in the Steem blockchain (it's one of the busiest blockchains out there), it has taken a while for the API nodes like our wallet node to replay the data. However, we've finally replayed at this point and we can process Steem transactions again.

Note that if you made a sale or purchase via our site during the down time, we've automatically processed any transactions that happened while our wallet was down.


Oops, thanks for the spoiler.

No official statement from steemit yet that is was about the 'mildly non-linear curation curve'.

Are funds safe?

funds are safu

Pheeewww!!! What a relief. Thanks a lot @blocktrades. You guys are the best

Very good news @blocktrades :D
Let's build our community in the #newsteem

Good to hear the bug has been corrected. But, somehow the version still remains same 0.22.0 ?

스크린샷 2019-09-03 오후 10.04.12.png

It was a quick patch to get the chain operational again, so an official version with a tagged version number will follow.

Good to hear, though steemit is yet to say anything on the matter.

Posted using Partiko Android

The engineers there had a rough couple of days with little to no sleep: it's possible the "definitive sources of technical information" there are catching up on their sleep, and the marketing guys don't won't to say anything to avoid potentially getting it slightly wrong.

Okay. I hope they do it quickly and release some information concerning what actually happened that kept the blockchain down for some days. Really scary!

I believe a new function called approximate_square_root was used from a library commonly used by steem (the library is called "fc"). It was assumed that this function can only return positive values (like a true square root function). But apparently under some input conditions, it could return a negative number. This negative number in turn managed to trigger a protective check in the code that prevents bad math from happening by stopping block processing.

At first, you might wonder why a "protective check" stops blockchain processing, but it's a good idea to have these checks. These checks prevent generating bad state data or other unintended consequences that could result in money transactions being processed incorrectly.

Thanks for this explanation.

Thats great to know! Can you show us which line of code do this? Just wondering.

Looking at the public steem repo, I think the "quick fix" was here:

But there's active commits going on now, so if I had to guess, I would guess they are looking at creating a more elegant solution. But that's pure speculation on my part as I haven't reviewed any of those changes yet.

Hi I'm unable to send the BTC and LTC sitting in my affiliate account in blocktrades to my steem account, just says error

Hi, is this still happening (we were making some updates recently)? If it is, can you send a screenshot of what step in the process where the error occurs?

thanks for getting back to me, i tried again

Screenshot 2019-09-21 at 09.26.18.png

Hi, this bug is fixed now, sorry for the delay.

thank you so much for getting back to me. Tested it now and I managed to claim my balances! Really appreciate the communication

Hi, that message means our system was unable to obtain pricing for the Steem or the DOGE at that time. But your order should be processed now, please let me know if not.

Thanks for Response... Got the Payment....

Hi, please send a support request with the name of your blocktrades account to [email protected] and I'll try to repeat the problem here.

Ah right on.

Steem wouldn’t be steem without blocktrades.

Thanks for the hard work in getting everything back and working.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @blocktrades.

Thanks for at least giving us something about what happened. Before this, it was mostly "we're aware we're down," "we're operational but working on APIs", and then "APIs are working."

I expect we'll see something a little more detailed shortly, but anyway, thanks for the hint. :)

Very good news. All will go smoothly again.

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for working.. i thinking my wallet hacked 😁

Posted using Partiko Android