My account makes people confused ( @blocktrades and @blocktardes )
Hello everyone,
When I comment on someone's post they suddenly think that I'm @blocktrades, so they feel like interested but when they realized that I'm just a @blocktardes, they hate themselves.
Att all, this message to and everyone. Don't be afraid, I will refund if some mistake heppened in the future. I promise. Or if you want to own this account to avoid this confusion we can make it easier ok.
I'm not a fraudulent to feel like that toward me. Please stop this unfriendly thinking, and hang with me. I respect blocktrades very much.
One more thing happened to my account because of this: I'm prohibited from changing my profile data. That done to make me leave this account. But hey, I have powered up my steem coins. How do you axpect me to leave. Be friendly, I will not spam anyone. I will refun any transaction sent to me by mistake.
Let's just put all the cards on the table and show that maybe you had that intention at first though,
Hmmm very interesting indeed:
Why did you chose that description for your account at first? I think that question warrants answers in light of your post, @blocktardes
What a blocktard.
I should have chosen any description I wanted. and why not leading the world of the decentralized world, this is my dream and everyone's dream. I wanted to promote steem as well. I changed my description many times. I can do whatever I want.
@pfunk, I hadn't thought that way.
And the same icon?

That's the worst part.
I swear I didn't use the same icon. Just you want to get rid of me, that why you try to embed your bad action with reason. I know that you're playing a conspiracy against me. Bullshit, give me logic or give me death.
This shows you using the icon right here. That wasn't an accident, and the blockchain never forgets. You basically told me a bold faced lie just now.
woow, you changed things I swear that this was changed to use it against me.
next time don't tell me about blockchain, blockchain is just a code, and its people can change whatever they want to use it in their side. waw I'm surprised. Blockchain is a bullshit now because it change things to fit its needs.
Ok, you've demonstrated that you have zero clue on how blockchains work. I see your ban is well earned.
Setting the icon aside, are you going to represent here on the blockchain that this is a typo?
Fuck off, I will reveal all truth about this fake news.
Does that mean any description that you wanted to deceive and scam people?
Yes, but blocktrades and blocktardes is easy to confuse first of all. Building on that confusion by adding another layer of confusion with a description resembling what one would expect from a currency exchange is only adding to the confusion.
Besides that, you now said "why not leading the world of the decentralized world".
First, the description you chose is not the "leading world of decentralized of the decentralized world". The context here is CURRENCY which you omitted.
Now it only adds more damning questions, the first is why did you omit that obvious context? And also, you say that " this is my dream and everyone's dream." No, it's a very deflective sentiment. Not everyone's dream is to lead the world of decentralized world. Or the world of decentralized currency, so why deflect and why seek to minimize the importance of your chosen description if it's not to deceive, obviously if you weren't deceiving, as it appears rightfully so, you would have chose your words carefully when responding to the question I asked, instead of arguing that you can do whatever you want.. If you weren't deceiving or had intentions of one would think that you wouldn't begin your explanation with I can do what I want. If you weren't deceiving you would seek to correct the confusion not omit and deflect, and if you weren't deceiving or scamming you wouldn't resort to pointing out the obvious as if I or anyone else couldn't see that you CAN do whatever you want.
Which is all your comment has done thus far, and you conclude with the EXACT same dismissive sentiment:
And before you concluded with that sentiment of I can deceive and scam and make posts about how I am not doing anything like that, you throw this bit in:
Is that on top of scamming and the deceit that reeks all around so far.. Because that makes all this confusion and argument for scamming and being a little deceiver so much better now.
ok say whatever you want, it's your mouth, express yourself and claim that I'm a deceiver. But you should know that this is not how social media treat its users. Look at facebook pages, name yourself "samsung" and no one will disable your profile featers.
so if your username John, people shouldn't create a username with Jhon? is this what you trying to say. I liked that name, so I created it. But why they prevent my profile from some features. Does that mean no freedom?
Here in steemit you found a problem just with a name similar to @blocktrades. So why you feel unfriendly toward my profile??? what about those confused bitcoin addresses ? why people risk their money by sending them with a long confused address??? we come from general to specific to show you that my username is not as danger as those bitcoin confused long addresses
The issue is that you said you're not for deceiving or scamming people but you said to my question of why you chose that very confusing description, that you can do whatever you want. So saying that you can do whatever you want when someone asks a question implying you chose to deceive and scam is admitting that you want to scam and deceive.
The point is not that I can say whatever I want, or that you can do the same, or what people can do on facebook or any other place, the point was that you evaded answering the question of why you chose that description by saying that you can do whatever you want, which everyone already knows, it's not a specific or pertinent reason to that question. You also omitted that important part of your description when you said it was about decentralize world.
Here are the questions that remain unanswered:
Does that mean any description that you wanted to deceive and scam people with?
The description you chose is not the "leading world of decentralized of the decentralized world". The context here is CURRENCY which you omitted.
Why did you omit that obvious context?
I know that you're angry because I didn't respond to you as you expected. But, I suggest to read my post above where I tell masses that I'm not a deceiver. Accept it or say what you think again.
I don't know even how to spam.
Please just answer this q?: How you see that I'm a scammer, deceiver from your point of view? I know that many are reading, so convince them.
Reposing this relevant pic here:
Bye bye. !cheetah ban
Okay, I have banned @blocktardes.
Great achievement.
Confusion 2.0
Was this on purpose or an accident? hehe your name
I wanted to create the name blocktrades, when the system said that username already exist, I replace "r" with "a". But the purpose wasn't bad as many think.
Not good for folks with dyslexia
I will refund their money, in the case of some mistake
Ha ha! The first time I saw your post I thought you were blocktrades but then quickly realised. I love your name blocktardes. Never change!
thank you very much, I love yours as well. They say that we are decentralized but the fact is my profile prohibited from updating my data such as: picture, name,location etc
That is ridiculous! Have you been given a reason why?
I haven't received any reason. This makes my account in danger in the future. I feel not safe. Anything can happen.
I was planned to develop this account but I have fearing toward future
It's probably a bug, don't know if @sneak or the developers know about it.
Hi @beanz, this is exactly what I want. I want them to fix it if it wasn't intentionally done.
I never saw one or the other passing by but now I enjoy to follow you for sure. ❤️ Your name !
thank you dear @mammasitta, followed you as well
At first it was confusing me too :P
This real ?
hehehe my friend @steemitqa was confused too. I think that manner. I have to be convinced that this was just a glitch. And most likely it's true.
If you didn't intend on confusing people you would have used a different name.
so if your username John, people shouldn't create a username with Jhon? is this what you trying to say.
I liked that name, so I created it. But why they prevent my profile from some features. Does that mean no freedom?
Here in steemit you found a problem just with a name similar to @blocktrades. So why you feel unfriendly toward my profile??? what about those confused bitcoin addresses ? why people risk their money by sending them with a long confused address??? we come from general to specific to show you that my username is not as danger as those bitcoin confused long addresses
What a bullshit attempt at an excuse.
hehe, you see I have explained what is the exact meaning of confusion but you won't understand.
In the previous comment I was logically explaining to you that bitcoin addresses even their complexity and length, people don't find any problem with that. And because steem considered as bitcoin (personally, I started to have a doubt for many reasons) There is no confusion. Stop this bullshit claims.
I understand alright and so do you.
So, everyone avoids this fact: steemit disabled some of my account features. I want to know why????
I need your help, to guide me so that I can become proficient in steemit dan follow back me