25Milllion USD Fund for BlockStack Developers - Apply NOW!

in #blockstack8 years ago

Blockstack Signature Fund Applications Are OPEN!

LINK TO APPLY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXVYTZSD9GIiI2fMPbs9Gpa-3CXZSHaMmUXrioaHlkqcDoJQ/viewform

The Signature Fund for Blockstack is a $25M fund aimed at growing an ecosystem of decentralized applications on Blockstack.

The Signature Fund for Blockstack is open to any company using Blockstack's developer tools to power decentralized apps on the new decentralized internet. We look to match individuals and teams focused on big problems in the decentralized space with smart capital, and also to announce "X-Prize"-like bounties. If you are interested in learning about the prizes only, feel free to indicate so below: