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RE: Blockchained: The End of Financial Freedom

When we reach a full automation = zero employment then how are we going to distriubute the goods and services?

I hate to say this, but when robots do everything that humans used to do, those in control will move to eliminate the "useless eaters." The only reason our current civilization doesn't need slaves is that we don't need them and has nothing to do with morality. Wage slavery is far more efficient, less costly to management and far more difficult to rebel against. The same lie that technology will free us also applies to making everyone's lives easier and richer. Overpopulation is already destroying the planet. Do you think those who control the machines want to live in a world overcrowded with people who serve them no purpose, or does it seem likely that they want to live on a verdant, healing planet where rivers run clear and robots serve their every want and need without complaint?

Paranoid psychopaths run the world, people whose brains do not function properly, brains that lack the ability to feel compassion. This makes them self-centered and fearful. How do you think these folks will react when they can live opulent lives without the need for human workers?


The world is always seeking equilibrium. Even thought it would be technically possible that we end up with a cast of few super rich controlling the masses, the more likely scenario is that in such case the masses would quickly revolt and took the rulling party down. The revolution. The rich must be good to the poor if they want to survive. Who knows what the future brings, scenarios are countless and basically anything can happen.