Tune In Later To The "Blockchain Music Challenge" Show!!!
Hey Y'All?
Want to listen to who already entered "Round 3" to the "Blockchain Music Challenge" - A DSound Community Initiative ( @dsound/ @prc )?

The "Blockchain Music Challenge" Show!!!
The host of the show are the judges of the "Blockchain Music Challenge",
@inthenow, @jeffleinwand & @d-vine.
Every Wednesday!
UTC 9:00 PM
On the SMA Discord Server

Round 3 of the "Blockchain Music Challenge" is still ongoing!!

The topic is "Spirituality", the deadline to enter your tracks is ...
"Sunday 9th of December"
Prizes for Round 3 of the "Blockchain Music Challenge"
SECOND PLACE WINNER: 5 SBD + 5 Whalecoin + 32 Points
THIRD PLACE WINNER: 3 SBD + 3 Whalecoin + 26 Points
FOURTH PLACE WINNER: 2 SBD + 2 Whalecoin + 20 Points

Thank for great work done.