DCC System Technology and Benefits

in #blockchain7 years ago

The Distributed Credit Chain is the blockchain network providing organization pioneering distributed banking in the public blockchain establishing the decentralized ecosystem for financial service where the providers throughout the world. This empowers the credit with the blockchain technology and will return through the ownership of data to individuals. Their mission is to transform it differently based on the financial scenarios and realizing the true inclusive finance.

The blockchain network deals with traditional financial industry to make it centralized and the financial transactions rely upon the endorsement by supporting the financial institutions by the substantial transactions paid for the institutions. This institutes the monopolistic financial institutions raising the facts by the lending rates to the borrowers reducing the interest income for the lenders.

Core Layer

It consists of the book storage providing the plug-ins by the interface of adapting different book storages by the implementation of embedded K-V database for the rational separate database. The world status cache refers to the process obtaining the blockchain status for calculating current blockchain status.

It retains complete and immutable by the changes is status being undeniable. It will have a functional smart contract engine and virtual machine different from other smart contract engines financing the smart contracts within a pure function. This will assume the world status as executed. The smart contract has some benefits based on the pure functional perspective. These benefits are easy to test as it has no side effects and the contracts can be tested without relying on the blockchain environment.

The contracts are developed by algorithms and contractual regression rules for the business causing side effects on the blockchain for stability. The cost measurement is easy as it describes the business rules by the complexity of measuring smart contracts by the reduction costs without any consideration of an effect. The reliable playback is functioning purely by the implementation of the repeated result.

JAVA Language

JAVA is the development language o core smart contracts and it is relatively common development language for financial back-end systems. This will be used as JVM as the container to run the smart contracts. This will have the account system built-in and it includes the support of multiple native tokes.

This has the encryption and decryption capability for DCC public chain by using digital signatures and verification process and it is used for exchange key for encrypted communication. Even the consensus algorithm ensures the availability of public for joining the DCC public chain as billing nodes. This randomly generates N communication nodes participating in the consensus from the whole network nodes where the other nodes synchronizing the completing round of consensus by the next round of leader nodes as re-elected.

Additional Benefits

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DCC is breaking the monopoly with a globally distributed banking ecosystem with an aim for traditional financial institution returning earnings for financial services providing the users involved by the participation sharing the return of ecological growth for an ultimate way to achieve finance system.

The decentralized thinking distributes the banking ability to change the cooperation model for traditional financial services to build peer-to-peer communication. The transformation of the traditional banking system is establishing the standards of various businesses to improve the business efficiency. The government regulation is enabling the regulators penetrating the underlying the assets in real time.

DCC analysis the institutions with the ability to help the regulatory bodies by the response of industry risk based on the blockchain data analysis.

Website : http://dcc.finance/
Whitepaper : http://dcc.finance/file/DCCwhitepaper.pdf
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