CHANGE! Holistic petitions and the Steemit Blockchain?!
The Steemit polls functionality recently released, while joyfully playing around with it, got me thinking.
Pondering about one specific, of many, use cases that are very dear to me, which I try to release into all possible channels, hoping that it will get picked up and realized sometime soon.
Change - A holistic petition platform
Imagine digitally signed and verified petitions on the blockchain, published instantly.
Blended with the possibility to collect donations (for certain well defined goals), without the need for a bank account or place of residency.
Relinquishing injustice with awareness and education is the credo here.
A simplified simple use case would look like this:
- see injustice
- document injustice [photo, video, sound, ...]
- create petition [add title, text, account with Steem(?) or 3rd party(?)]
- add media (optional)
- set up donation account (optional)
- watch change happening
Why Blockchain?
- immutability -> tamperproof
- integrity, speed, DDoS safe
- geotagging of petitions to verify validity
- adding of (uncensored) media
A photo posted by Egolust Magazine (@egolust)
I feel urged to add that this use case was proposed by me to a recently founded blockchain venture - æternity - that I was supporting (without pay) as a project manager and social media assistant until quite recently.
Following a disagreement with the founder Yanislav Malahov, I was let go by him last week.
I decided to continue my work on other blockchain projects and to not keep spending my life vegetating in an office, working for a company playing an integral part in an economical cabaret show, I mean system, that is no longer sustainable.
A system with a need for ever increasing profits and growth on a resource and space limited, live giving organism we call earth.
Even if for me that means working in bars for the next couple of months and contributing my remaining time to support the growth of awareness and education through blockchain.
For it is my thorough believe that blockchain is the next step in evolution of consciousness, and I feel a strong urge to contribute shaping it.
æternity being at the prenatal stage of its evolution, when I joined back in October, allowed us to cast our nets of thought out wide, into the deep blue ocean of blockchain use cases.
The above mentioned "Change" idea is one of the pearls I hauled out .
Since the æternity blockchain is open source it is also still possible to create it on their blockchain.
However after fiddling around with Steem and looking at the 2017 roadmap (OAuth for Steem!) I reached the conclusion to ask You the Steemit community what you think of this idea and if the Steem Blockchain is viable for such a use case?
Your attention, feedback and love is much appreciated!
about me. 
born & living in Berlin
// earlyadopter
\\ hermetist
// technoshaman
\\ business analyst
// scrum master
\\ into blockchain