The Crypto Musician Plunges Into MegaCryptoPolis

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, this is the Crypto Musician!


A fun thing about being a cryptomusican is exploring new crypto happenings. Let's look at MegaCryptoPolis (MCP), a Go-like online game with a global community working towards building the ultimate decentralized conglomerate where you're in control of your own success!

According to the MCP White Book:

MegaCryptoPolis — a breakthrough online multiplayer strategy game that allows players from all over the world to collectively build a unique mega city like never before. Players can acquire blocks of land to construct their own buildings and eventually upgrade them to gain influence points. Each player can choose from a range of structure types to begin with: a residential building, shopping mall, entertainment facility, factory or even a mining site ― it is completely up to the player.

To play this game, you need an Ethereum digital wallet. MetaMask is recommended and that’s what I use. If you are serious about crypto and don’t have MetaMask, this is a good time to get one because these days there are many sites that require an Ethereum digital wallet. MCP uses it instead of a password and to store cryptocurrency used in the game. MetaMask is its own discussion topic, so we will not go into it here.


When you hit the Start button, you find yourself on a huge map with a skyscraper that looks like the Empire State Building in the middle. All around are plots of land marked “Sold”, undeveloped land, highways, forests etc.


At this point, you will probably want to move around, push buttons and get oriented. The movement controls are rather primitive and designed to make things kind of random. You'll need to spend some time if you want to analyze the game and make optimal moves.

At the bottom left of your game screen (see big blue down arrow below), is a map you can click on to move to any location in MCP. However, it is not very detailed, so it is only useful as a general way to navigate about the MCP world. To the immediate right of that map is the District icon which you can click to get more information and go directly to certain districts. If you got a big fat 💰, you can even buy a whole district.

controls 1.png

MCP is divided into squares representing plots of land with unique x and y coordinates. When you click on a plot of land that's not marked “SOLD” (see yellow arrow below), the plot pops up out of the map and a “LAND TOKEN” appears to the right on your screen. Here you'll find some information about the plot of land such as whether construction is permitted, existence of resources on the land, district number and the price of the plot in ETH.

controls 2.png

In this case, 1.54 ETH was more than I wanted to invest on a 1st time exploratory venture, so I moved far away and popped up plots until I found one that was cheaper. After a number of minutes of cruising about, I found a plot that I wanted to take a chance on. See the popped up plot, left of center in graphic below. It’s a corner lot with some shade trees out back and just a stone throw from the beach. 😎

After I plopped down some ETH, I got my “LAND TOKEN”, which is like a title deed in Real Estate. I won’t say how much I paid. Let’s just say that I’ll let you have it for .125 ETH. 🤑

For those of you who are really not interested in playing the game, there is also a bounty campaign where you get rewarded with a plot of land on Bounty Island. The amount of the bounty depends on how you do compared to others when you perform one or more of the following tasks:

  • Join Telegram or Discord community
  • Do a post on Twitter or Facebook
  • Upvote MCP on Reddit
  • Set a signature for Bitcointalk
  • Publish an article or video review
    Bounty Island

There's much more to this game than can be covered here. I recommend reading the MCP White Book to get more information and watching the video.

Till next time, this is Crypto Musician saying…

Happy Gaming!


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

MetaMask is it's own discussion topic, so we will not go into it here.
It should be its own instead of it's own.