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RE: What is Tauchain & Why It Could Be One of The Greatest Inventions of All Time (Part 1: Introduction)

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

I've been following this project for a while now and I truly believe the lead developer Ohad Asor is on a completely different level than any other expert I've come across. The word genius is tossed around very loosely in the tech industry, especially in the crypto space, but that man is something else entirely.

To the extent that I can follow his vision, I'm very impressed by it. And I believe he's one of the very few people on the planet who has the ability to implement this vision.

Tau is definitely worth having on your radar as it may prove to be an indispensable technology one day.

But don't take my word for it, ask him some difficult technical questions in maths, logic, cs, programming, crytpo yourself in his irc and judge him for yourself.

server: freenode
channel: ##idni
second channel: ##tau


What I'd really like to see how this all would look like in action - even a simple mockup could go far at this point for most of us as even with more posts getting written about this, it's just hard to imagine what the end product will look like and how it can be utilized.

there's a mock up of the demo on the website
I think the actual platform will be more intuitive, with the ability to add comments, pictures, links etc. along with making logical propositions

If I’m not mistaken, that may also just be one interface for the blockchain - whereas like Steem or any other blockchain, there may be any number of applications and distinct UI’s developed, no...?

yes, that mock up is merely just one example of an application under Tau

Tau is far more general and technically sophisticated than anything else out there. It's power arises from applying a decidable, self defining logic that allows subsequent blocks to be entirely defined by previous block accordingly to the real time specifications of its users.

Thanks, it seems the site has gone over total overhaul and looks polished now. The mock up also looks promising.

So many chains, so many hypes. Reality check, all these hypes and chains won't even last a year or two, let alone practical usability among people who just want to get shit done

Truth is, Google and Facebook have long been colonizing the entire Internet way before their decentralized counterparts could even figure out how to make their shit actually work

There are only two (2) greatest inventions on the Internet (and technology in general) namely: Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing

And who's leading the game? Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Amazon. Nothing new at all

Cyc is older than Google, Facebook, Amazon, but there are reasons why we aren't all using Cyc. The business model of Google, Facebook, Amazon, are the key.

The project looks like it is done in a waterfall model. The development travels in a linear progression where the next phase begins once the previous phase is complete (tml, alpha, beta, tau and agoras market). The advantage of this type of model is that it would provide quality, reliability and maintainability to the project. In contrast, it's a long walk for something tangible to appear. This would probably be the best development cycle choice category since the project is very complex and has a huge impact to humanity.

I see it more like if a project is extremely difficult to implement (has a high rate of failure at the implementation level) then the most critical phase where something can go wrong is right now (the code writing phase). What I mean is the reason TML is taking so long is because the project is so ambitious and there can be zero bugs in something as mission critical as the core of TML. So you are right it's about quality/reliability and maintainability.

It is also the fact that the theory behind what Ohad is doing is so complex that at this time no one can help him. So it's still at that immature stage where he's still figuring out how to code it himself and no one really knows his vision better than he does at this time. When it gets to a point where the most important components are coded then you will see other programmers begin to chip in and the speed of development accelerate.

This is not like Ethereum with Solidity. Some people believe Ethereum was a rushed design which was hacked together for speed of implementation. A deliberate approach also could have been taken with EOS which also had major flaws at launch. If you're going for provably secure, provably correct, decidable, etc, then yes it's now more complex.

A compiler alone could be easy. In fact if I were going to do it I honestly would have hacked something together from other projects which have compilers. But Ohad wants to do it all from scratch to meet his specific and precise criteria. Because nothing similar exists this means he has to research and learn while he's coding which seems to be why it takes a long time. He has to determine whether to go with bwd chaining or fwd chaining, or why pfp is the only suitable logic and what the consequences to the design will be because of this.

I agree almost completely but there are alot of good technologies in the crypto but they are all hidden by the fact that there are so many of them out there. If I am someone who wants to get into these then I either have to be in the crypto industry looking for certain things or just so happen to know someone who is or wait a decade or two. This imo what bottlenecks all of these great new techs coming up.

If you have free time, look into it and go over everything you can find. Even the IRC logs. Take a week or two, or more like a few months like I did. I'd say that it's worth it.