The Sound in the Dark

in #blockchain6 hours ago

Chapter 1: The Sound in the Dark

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Rain fell softly, blanketing the night in a thick shroud of mist. The faint glow from the towering buildings struggled to pierce through the fog that clung to the streets. The only sound breaking the eerie silence was the echo of footsteps, steady and deliberate, following close behind.
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Lina quickened her pace. Her heart pounded in her chest, her fingers gripping the straps of her bag so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She didn’t dare look back, but she knew. She could feel it—the weight of unseen eyes tracking her every move. The footsteps had started following her the moment she turned into the narrow alley, matching her pace exactly.

“Who’s there?” Lina called out, her voice trembling despite her attempt to sound brave.

No response. Only silence. And then, the footsteps halted, for a split second, before resuming—this time, closer.
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She could feel a breath, warm and too close, brushing the back of her neck. Panic surged through her veins. She began walking faster, her shoes splashing through puddles as she tried to ignore the sense of dread clawing at her. She had to get out of the alley. She just needed to make it around the corner.

But when she finally did, something unexpected came into view.

The alley ended abruptly at a dead-end. There was no way out. Except for one thing—a door. A wooden door, old and weathered, that she had never noticed before. It was slightly ajar, just enough for a faint yellow light to spill out into the rain-soaked alley.

Lina froze. Her breath caught in her throat as she glanced back over her shoulder. No one was there. The alley behind her was completely empty, but the sound of those footsteps still echoed in her mind, as if they were right behind her.

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“What now?” she whispered to herself, her heart racing. Her eyes darted between the alley and the strange door in front of her.

Suddenly, something on the ground caught her eye. A small, metallic coin glinted in the dim light. It wasn’t just any coin—it was stamped with a symbol she recognized: a blockchain code. She had seen it before in digital forums, whispered about in online communities. It wasn’t real money—at least, not the kind used in the world she knew. This was crypto, encrypted currency that only a few could access, and it was said to be worth far more than anything you could find in banks.

“What’s this doing here?” she wondered aloud. Someone had clearly dropped it—intentionally or not.

Without thinking, she bent down to pick it up, her fingers brushing the damp surface of the coin. The moment she touched it, a cold shock ran through her hand, sending a chill up her spine. The light from the open door flickered. Something was waiting for her inside.

Without further hesitation, she pocketed the coin and stepped toward the door. It seemed to call to her, inviting her inside.

She hesitated for only a moment longer before pushing it open and disappearing into the unknown.