Block Chain revolution “The March of Cleavers “

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)


First I would like to appreciate my great excitement in joining Steam it Community.
I became aware of the blockchain revolution only about 6 months ago and since then I am learning on a daily basis all aspect of this revolution from the technical innovations to the commercial aspect of it as I became involved with the cryptocurrency market through the Exchanges.

The block Chain revolution is going to change the structure of our society in a revolutionary way.

Carl Marks already put the foundation for the understanding of this process in his theory where he mentioned that the superstructure of our society reflects the infrastructure needs. The industrial revolution in the 19th century caused the massive change in the infrastructure putting the individual in the center and the Superstructure changed and adjusted her structure accordingly. (Voting rights social rights and institutions etc.)

As Barbara Tuchman main argument in her famous book of "The March of Folly "as long as the superstructure kept serving the needs created her she survived but once she was doing everything in her power to keep her role even if it is not justified anymore the elite started to lose her power and replaced by other structure which is more suitable for the needs of the people.

The current superstructure consists mainly the existing governments and their servants the" Central banks" are doing everything in their power to keep the old order.Nevertheless, as their actions are only making things worse the underlying powers of the infrastructure are already on a move to change it.

The main reason why we still have the current structure is that of the old philosophy that Human nature is bad from its berth and that our origin is from the animals.Animals mistrust each other and fighting for territory on the basis of SUM ZERO principle. I don't think we can change this mentality of Humanity as it is built very deep into our Gens.This weakness of the individual is the biggest benefit of the superstructure organization as we need them to mediate our weakness reflected in the mistrust between us.

The crises of 2008 cracked the superstructure legitimacy by emphasis its inability to serve the requirements of the infrastructure. You just need to look for the endless printing of money and manipulation of the interest rate to understand their inability to provide a real solution by creating a healthy economy based on real values and not an artificial one putting all of us in a great danger when it will explode.

The blockchain invention is the miracle that is going to change it. Once Satoshi Nakamoto developed this remarkable innovation overcoming our weakness and putting the infrastructure for a decentralized systems allowing us to utilize the wisdom of the crewed instead of manipulation of a small group of leaders and the march of the clever this time to change the existing superstructure by creating a global nation without boundaries where every individual will count and will be able to manage his day by day activities buy himself without depending on mediators but by using the decentralized blockchain technology as the philosophy that will shape our lives in the future.


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