First time in the world of producing Rocket Papusha technology
Many challenges Market and Solution
Our aim is to carry out maintaining and always improving the ecological situation with all of the world for all of us and our children.
In all countries in the world that have refineries (oil refineries) face the same problem solved - storage and utilization
oil refinery residues. When processing modern high gravity grade oils, the residue reaches a high value, around 10-20%.
Is this a lot or a little? In absolute terms, it is approximately approximately 10 million barrels of oil per day or about less than 1 million 350 thousand tons.
Most of the refineries that are now surrounded by storage and lakes are useless black masses that pollute all planetary surfaces. Every year the amount of residue continues to grow.
The solutions that exist when processing residues (heat and chemical cracks) are too expensive and with the same time to have a very very low effect.
Losses from solutions
- Very high costs to reach (tens of millions of dollars) more or less
- Very low efficiency
- Difficulty in carrying out operations and maintenance
- Long payback period
Although very much for the urgent group in the world to switch from using fossil fuels, for the future oil and coal seem to continue to play a major part in the global economy. That said, both economic and environmental considerations demand that something must be done to make fossil fuel production and use more efficiently. Processing oil and coal burning residues is a priority goal. The solutions are very expensive and at the same time leave plenty of room for improvement.
Academician Anatoliy Ivanovich Papusha, There is a well-known Soviet and Russian scientist, who has developed a sophisticated residual processing device based on Rocket Papusha Technology which is officially recognized by the United Nations as a means of handling toxic waste. Papusha and his colleagues believe that this technology can be further improved and made more widely available. To collect the initial funds needed for this leap, they have switched to the cryptofunding method.
➤The leading specialist in the rocket and space industry. He has worked in main branch companies for more than 50 years
➤Director of the Department of Ecology of the International Fund of Slavic Culture and Writing
➤Doctor of Technical Sciences
➤Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS)
➤Laureate of the USSR State Prize
A.I A. Papusha was one of the most brilliant representatives of the legendary Soviet Union national and rocket industry, as well as students and followers of brilliant machine developers for spacecraft, V.P. Glushko.
For during the development process of the Soviet space program "Energia-Buran", a machine was created, which burned 10 tons of fuel for 10 seconds. Machine testing is very dangerous for the entire ecology of the Moscow region. A.I A. Papusha creating a unique complex, built in Khimki, Moscow area.
This complex makes it possible to fully neutralize harmful emissions and test machines made near the development site.
A transonic combustion innovation that has been implemented for the first time as the use of combustion products from large rocket engines. Further advances in innovation have opened up prospects for solving the most pressing environmental problems. This technology is included in the list of UNEP "Survey of Technology for the Destruction of PCBs that Have No Incineration at the moment" (First Edition, August 2000) with the name of the author "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT).
in the oil industry market
Oil refineries are surrounded by storages and lakes with useless black mass which pollute the planet. Such use of "black gold" is unacceptable.
Such use of "black gold" is unacceptable. This will lead to the ecological disaster for the next 100 years. We cannot let it happen!
WORLDWIDE PRODUCTION of PRT installations opens the possibility for investors to enter into the development of a new super-profitable business - the installation will help to solve the problem of negative industrial impact on the environment - PRT waste-free installation at the oil refining and oil production sites.

🔴"Private Sale": 01.06.2018 - 22.08.2018
🔴ICO: 22.08.2018 - 22.10.2018
🔴Token name: PRT
🔴Blockchain: Ethereum
🔴Standart: ERC20
🔴Hard Cap: 13500 ETH
🔴Total amount of tokens: 100 000 000
🔴Available for sale: 75%
🔴Price per token: 1 ETH = 3500 PRT
Unsold tokens will be burned!
PRT tokens allocation
The project started in the 1980s. The technology was developed for the needs
of the Soviet space program. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent to test
and create a complex to neutralize emissions of the Buran engine. However, in
the future, after the collapse of the USSR, funding was cut off, and the Buran
program was frozen.
Since then, A.I. Papusha managed to find a new use of his technology that is
highly demanded today. Our roadmap shows the main stages of the project
- Beginning of scientific calculations on processing oil products,
- Testing the technology at the base stand in Dolgoprudny, and
- Testing completed successfully, further development and improvement of the technology.
2017 - Completion of calculations, systematization of the obtained results,
- Preparing a business plan, searching for partners.
2018, Quarter 1 - Preparation for ICO:
- Forming a team, registration of technical documentation,
- Developing a smart contract and a token economy.
2018, Quarter 2
ICO launch: - Marketing campaign,
- arrying out a private sales round.
2018, Quarter 3 - Papusha Rocket Technology ICO,
- Introduction of the PRT token to exchanges, and
- Development of maintenance documentation.
2018, Quarter 4 - Manufacture and purchase of necessary equipment and components,
- Creating and configuring the first PRT-2-30 unit, and
- Certification, obtaining technical specifications for connection.
2019 - Launch of mass production of PRT-2 units, first sales,
- Development of modules for processing of brown coal, and
- Work on adapting and implementing a gas generator that provides cheap electricity for mining.
Team of the PRT Scientists
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ETH addrees: 0x2BBEEA86F155668d78FB108da0Ff5725B06f6994