Statement from the Dev Team

in #blockchain7 years ago

Dear community,

Recently we’ve noticed that there are some concerns regarding the (lack of) communication about the progress that we’ve made in the past few months. Furthermore we’ve heard rumors regarding the postponing of the release of the mainnet, and this to be in correlation with the current bear market.

We would like to address these concerns and provide you with an explanation.

First of all we clearly want to communicate that postponing the release of any development due to market sentiment is not what we do. We completely understand the concerns, however we will never be affected nor distracted by market sentiment.

Some of the items we would like to discuss are the following:

  • Alpha release of the REBL blockchain and closed beta test of the REBL blockchain
  • Technical whitepaper 2.0/ whitepaper 3.0
  • The delay of the Mainnet launch
  • Our communication and how we will improve it in the future
  • Updated roadmap.

2018 has been an interesting year for REBL thus far and it brought multiple iterations on core concepts of the project, step by step towards what we envision as the best possible and most complete solution REBL can offer.

Working at a blockchain startup has proven to be a creative process and it’s proven difficult to estimate your goal setting in time perspective. In Q1 2018 we have envisioned a roadmap for months ahead which at that point seemed ambitious, yet realistic.

The multiple iterations during the year have had an impact on the development progress and what we have learned by now is that a roadmap requires a continuous updating in occurrence to all changes of the development.

The main additions of course have been the introduction of the masternodes and the inclusion of the auditing system for client blockchain. The whole ecosystem is affected by these additions and that so is the development process.

These additions were not in the calculation of the roadmap that was set up in Q1 2018, so it has had an impact on multiple milestones on the roadmap.

Alpha release of the REBL blockchain and closed beta test of the REBL blockchain

The Alpha release of the REBL blockchain initially took place in March 2018 and the Beta release was planned for the following months in Q2. With some major changes in our technology, this set us back as most of the improvements consist of new code. This was a learning process that forced us to test more intensively. The Blockchain development has been an ongoing process and things have been going well. We have successfully closed our Alpha testing phase in Q2 2018 and progressed into a closed Beta testnet in Q3.

Delay for the Technical whitepaper 2.0/ whitepaper 3.0 and the launch of the mainnet

The earlier described setback is currently having an effect on the release of the technical whitepaper and the launch of the mainnet. The white paper is planned for release as soon as we feel comfortable with the testing results as we want to keep the number of iterated versions to a minimum. Therefore the delay of the whitepaper is logical due to the extension of the technological development process.

Same goes for the launch of the mainnet. We are getting closer every day, but unfortunately we do not expect the release to be in the projected time period (Q3 2018). We are planning for the mainnet release in Q4 2018 and will work hard to achieve this goal.

Our communication and how we will improve it in the future.

To improve on our communication with the community, we have come up with the following plan:

We will try to get more involved with our community more by answering any questions they may have about the project on a regular basis. The format that we think works best is by making a dedicated thread on our forum. Over the course of the week, anyone can post their questions and once a week (most likely on Tuesday evening) we will try and answer your questions directly as best as we can.

Secondly, we will enable a channel through which community members can offer suggestions and ideas. We’re not guaranteeing that every suggestion can be acted upon, but if the idea is realistic, feasible and we think we can implement it within a reasonable time, we will do our best to make it happen. There will of course also be a reward for the person who came up with the idea!

Finally, we will evaluate all the current channels we’re using to interact with our community. Some channels (like certain sub forums and Discord for example) just don’t have enough active users, and they are therefore unfortunately prone to neglect on our side. So our plan is to assess these channels that are currently underused and close some of them. Our reasoning behind this step is that we prefer to have a few channels where we can maintain a proper presence, instead of many channels that are dead.

Our aim is to implement these changes in the upcoming weeks. We are working together with our community management team in order to find the best way to make this happen. Keep in mind there might be some changes or alterations to this plan, since we want to find the most optimal way of keeping you all informed.

Updated roadmap

To conclude this, We have always aimed to keep pace with the projected roadmap we have envisioned back in Q1 2018. But for the sake of complete transparency we’ve updated the roadmap to a more realistic roadmap that better reflects the current state of development. The roadmap will be published with the August Dev update.

We apologize and take full responsibility for our lack of communication about this during the recent year. A big thank you to all REBLs for your continuous support!