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About Zykov Partners
The Zykov Partners team , led by a successful financier Anton Zykov, has developed a trading strategy thanks to which we carry out short speculative transactions on the commodity exchange, with resources such as:
Metals, including non-ferrous (copper, nickel, aluminum) precious (platinum, silver, gold) and rare earth (lanthanum, scandium, yttrium, etc.)
Hydrocarbons (coal, fuel oil, gas, oil and refined products)
Agricultural products
The liquidity of these goods is very high, but their value can move by sharp ups and downs. Such volatility is caused by various factors, including unpredictable ones (for example, climatic conditions in the cultivation of agricultural products or the political situation in the world affecting the price of a barrel of oil)
All this makes trading in the commodity market more risky compared to foreign exchange transactions or the stock exchange, but on the other hand, it is the frequent changes in value that allow our algorithms to generate impressive profits from each successful transaction every 12 hours.
What do we offer our clients?
The factors described above make trading in the commodity market very attractive in terms of profitability, but the degree of risk is quite high. Not every investor can independently master all the subtleties of successful transactions, develop an effective trading strategy, analyze all the factors affecting the movement of quotes, and make an unmistakably accurate forecast.
You should also take into account the volume of contracts concluded. If trading on the currency exchange can be started with insignificant capital, then large investments will be required to complete transactions in the commodity market, which makes this activity inaccessible to most investors.
Zykov Partners has solved these problems. Small and medium investors are given a unique opportunity to pool their capitals for profit by transferring them to the trust of professionals.
Team of professionals!
The success and rapid development of Zykov Partners is primarily due to the well-coordinated work of a team of specialized specialists, which includes:
Traders who conclude deals in accordance with the developed trading strategy;
Financial analysts, whose task is to monitor the economic and political situation in the world, analyze the data obtained, and make informed forecasts about price movements;
Programmers who work with software and maintain the site's performance;
Technical support service that interacts with customers to provide consulting assistance.
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