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RE: "HEX is a Scam! HEX is a Ponzi!!! HEX is a Shitcoin!!!!!"

in #blockchain5 years ago

Ok, you are right, and i apologize for that.

I haven't looked too much into hex mostly because what i read and watched about showed me that it have all signals of a common cryptocurrency scam: nothing to do with it besides making it grow by itself, not a proof-of-stake like blockchain where staking have a reason to exist (SP allow you to distribute a share of the rewards, staking secure the network or vote for representatives of the network), loud people shilling it, people defending it like it is the most amazing invention of the last century...

So, that is what i called the "if it walks like a duck..." saying. This project have scam written all over it.

Maybe i am wrong, and i will have to research a bit more to build counter arguments, but so far, i will stay away from it.

And here is some examples of "lots of words, no solid arguments":

  • Classic ponzi scheme definition is correct. But anything that promisses gains without having something concrete to back these gains can be called a ponzi scheme.
  • Comparing it to Bank Deposit certificates makes no sense. BDC have a whole financial and regulatory structure behind it that make the system solid enough to provide some guarantees to investors if shit hit the fan. HEX is just a promisse that it will work.
  • Inflation isn't value increase. It is value decrease. The value of something increase only if there is real demand for that something. Demand based on supposed gains without something solid to back it up is just speculative demand that can bring short-term profits but don't buid value.
  • "So why is HEX not a scam? Because its code is available for the whole world to see". Well, Jordan Belfort (the wolf of wall street) operated years on daylight before it could be proven that he had a really elaborated scam. Having a open-source code isn't an argument that it isn't a scam. It's just a scam that want to appear as a legit and trustfull project.
  • Still about open-source code: How many people do you know have the ability to properly understando the code? I can't. I have to choose to believe in someone that can. Also, how many people attracted by the possible "amazing gains" will care about reading the code?
  • And about shitcoins... every coin is a shitcoin until someone believe it isn't.

So, that's a start. I will take some time to read some stuff about the HEX project and get back to you.
