Content Creation as Warfare

in #blockchain7 years ago

Some thoughts on the weaponization of ideas. It's not just the strongest that will be able to survive- but those most able to adapt to #change. In the information age, ideas are the weapons, those who have access to the broadest audience are the new change-makers.

The Information Warfare Life Cycle Model

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How does access to information help or hurt a TRUE democracy if only the memes of the rich and powerful are propagated. The printing press may have been a revolutionary tool toward total domination of populations (by creating an external locus of control through the idea of the scapegoat/external sacrifice "blame-shame-game"- but that era is over.

Apocalypse, in Greek, means:
An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, "a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".

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"Defining memes. Memes are "units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," and
as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested
battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.

• Formations charged with Information Operations (IO) Psychological Operations
(PsyOps), and Strategic Communications (SC) provide an existing construct for memes and the
study of memes, memetics, to grow and mature into an accepted doctrinal discipline.

• Epidemiology of insurgency ideology. Using the analogy that ideologies possess the
same theoretical characteristics as a disease (particularly as complex adaptive systems), then a
similar method and routine can/should be applied to combating them. Memes can and should be
used like medicine to inoculate the enemy and generate popular support.

• Private sector meme application. 3M Corporation employed an innovation meme
designed to cultivate an employee culture, which accepts and embraces innovation in product
development. As a practical matter, 3M executives endorsed and employed the lead user
process in new product development, which translated into a thirty percent profit increase. The
innovation meme was key to 3M’s profit increase.

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• The proposed Meme Warfare Center (MWC). The MWC as a staff organization has
the primary mission to advise the Commander on meme generation, transmission, coupled with a
detailed analysis on enemy, friendly and noncombatant populations. The MWC aims for a full
spectrum capability of meme generation, analysis, quality control/assurance and organic
transmission apparatus. The proposed MWC structure lays in stark contrast to the ad hoc nature
of current IO and JPOTF formations.

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CONCLUSION: #Cognitive #scientists, #cultural #anthropologists, #behavior scientists, and
#game #theory experts must be included as #professional meme-wielding-gunfighters on
#future #battlefields. The US must recognize the growing need for emerging disciplines in
ideological #warfare by ‘weaponeering’ memes. The Meme Warfare Center offers sophisticated and intellectually rich capability absent in current IO, #PsyOps and SC formations and is specifically designed to conduct combat inside the #mind of the enemy.

Memes are key emerging tools to win the #ideological #metaphysical fight."

Auger, Robert "The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think"

Blackmore, S. (1999), “The Meme Machine,” Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Bloom, H. “Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st
Century,” John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. 2000.

Bloom H. “The Lucifer Principle” New York, NY: Atlantic Monthly Press; 1995.

Brodie, Richard, “Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme”
Dawkins, R. (1976), “The Selfish Gene,” Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Lynch, Aaron “Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society.”

Mattis, James M. MajGen, CG 1st Marine Division, Operation Iraqi Freedom
Nagl, John A, Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat
Soup with a Knife, Westport, Connecticut, Preaeger, 2002.

Rumsfeld, Donald H., “War on Terror”, Speech to Council on Foreign Relations, 17 Feb,
2006, New York.

Military Publications and Briefings
British Army Code No 71596 (part 2), Army Field Manual, Volume V, Operations Other
Than War, Section B, Counter Insurgency Operations, Part 2, The Conduct of
Counter Insurgency Operations, 2-1 through 2-2.

Department of Defense, Information Operations Roadmap, October 30, 2003, Secret
[Excised]. Joint Publication, 3-13 Joint Doctrine for Information Operations. The Joint Staff,
Washington DC 1998.

Joint Publication, 3-53 Joint Doctrine for Psychological Operations. The Joint Staff,
Washington DC 2003.

Joint Publication, 3-61 Public Affairs, The Joint Staff, Washington DC, 9 May, 2005.

Field Manual No. 100-6, Information Operations, Headquarters Department of the Army
Washington, DC, 27 August 1996

#Content #Creation as #Warfare