The Blockchain Technology - The opportunity Beckons!!

in #blockchain6 years ago


Today, in the world Blockchain has become the leading component of the fast paced and increasing Technology. It is another digital technology to make a decentralized-network, secured & smart contracts along with increased capacity of the whole cryptocurrency network and public ledger.
Blockchain technology is not limited to any specific sector, rather can be useful in other sectors like Education, financial services, agriculture, e-commerce. It gives power to the participants to keep track of the transactions through the digital currency without a central record- keeping.
Blockchain Technology is in its growing years and can give you bigger scope for a marketplace. If you are ready to learn the skills, the sky will be limit with great demand and perks/Income.

• Demand & Supply: As of today only around 0.5% of the people around the world are using blockchain whereas more than 50% of the population is on the internet, thus in future, blockchain technology usages and applications are going to be plenty in number. It would create a very high demand for the developers of the blockchain.

• Pedestal for Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrencies are traded on the bases built upon Blockchain. This is the biggest advantage of blockchain, that with the help of it, the flow / movement of each digital coin can easily be tracked and no duplicate or fraudulent activity can be planned. The most popular and widely used blockchains are Bitcoin and Ethereum.

• Well established Infrastructure: Blockchain provides a well-developed infrastructure for the world. Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) essentially connect together to form a new type of market infrastructure that sits on top of – and integrates into – existing systems and processes. So, basically, it offers in a way single infrastructure and solution facility or to say it otherwise SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT connected with the other type of market. This is how one can integrate into the existing process and system.

• Security Aspects: The blockchain is a decentralized technology where the transaction of content, digital tokens, and any digital matter can be done with one user account to another providing a safe and secure platform to work upon.

• Shake Hands between Blockchain and Internet: Blockchain and Internet when combined together brings us a space of quite unlimited possibilities. The reason being, Internet obviously does not grow and build on its own and needs to explored in the light of what it enables across industries and technologies that are actually needed to make Internet work. Add to that, with technology, data and business levels converging, the space becomes even broader. Thus, when combined, the Blockchain & Internet, can work in various areas such as, insurance, real estate, stock-market, communication, crypto-currencies etc.

• Knocking on the Financial sector: The blockchain technology can bring about a turning point at the way business work in near future. Business bodies acknowledge the disruptiveness of the Blockchain, as such it can be predicted that they would adopt blockchain technology in a proper manner to make their system more secure and traceable in respect to monetary transactions.

• The break-in Supply Chain: With the growing complexity of supply chains & intermediaries over the years. The blockchain brings about a new type of supply chain without intermediaries. Since, all transactions get recorded on a block and with several copies of that ledger, distributed over many nodes, it is absolutely transparent and extremely secure since every block links to the one before and after it. There is not one controlling / central authority over the blockchain, and it’s extremely efficient and scalable. Ultimately, blockchain can bring positive impact upon everything from warehouse / merchandise to delivery to payment & increase the efficacy and transparency of supply chains.

• Career Opportunities: With Blockchain Technology just coming out of it nascent stage, there is a “First Movers Advantage” for the people who are learning the skills. Several job prospects are being created for the engineers and professionals who have learned blockchain technology. Jobs such as analysts, blockchain developers to mention some.

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