Universal Basic Income UBI (and why it is needed)

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Basic Blockchain Income

While I have been following subjects like a basic income project and multiple blockchain companies like "STEEM" GO steemians I see some basic similarity's like steemit for instance where in the past companies like facebook take all the profit for themselves "BOOoo facebook" steemit decides to give back to the community.

Besides steemit there are a couple of other communities on the rise like bitclave whom will replace google and pay steemians when they use the bitclave searchbox for the advertisements that are paid goes to the community.
Now you might wonder what does this have to do with a universal basic income? Wel I'm glad you asked, because as the rise of blockchains come whom provide back to the community started from the community, actually means the need for more money in the society is needed.

For years there have been researches going on and time after time proving that a basic income is affordable and does work, until now people always said there is simply not enough money to realise a plan like that, yet when you look at all the blockchains creating currency out of thin air "just like the banks have always been doing" I really wonder why the hell we cant do the same for all of humanity so that every human being can have a chance for an education, clean water, electricity since we all have the luxury that actually millions of people do not even have acces to.

Utopia is what sceptics call a plan like this, so I say? "The world is only what you make of it" people came up with all rules we know today, lets come up with new rules and call ourselves UTOPIANS and provide FREE food, water, electricity and housing for all of mankind. Impossible you say?
Just as impossible as bitcoin going over 10.000? Ow wait it already did and is way past it even and bitcoin is money out of thin air and only gets value because we all use it, so create a coin with limitless supplly that provides coins for all of mankind and when we all agree to use this coin, this coin will get value and will autonomously provide money for the entire world.


OPENSOURCE - UNIVERSAL - BASIC - HUMAN - RIGHTS - presents the greatest opensource project ever;

Universal Basic Income - Let's create a better world together

Created by the people for the people anyone whom is interested there is already a whitepaper in progress for this plan, you can contact me if you already are interested to help co-create a better future for all of mankind.

  • please note that all SBD made from this post will go directly into the UBI project, therefore, any upvotes, resteems and comments are greatly appreciated. *



Agreed. Resteemed you! UBI is one of the most important things that we will need to develop going forward.

I am all for automation. Let machines do the work, and let people lead conscious, elevated lives, free from meaningless work.

We should only be doing things that bring true value to humanity. But no one should ever starve or lack housing. There is already enough wealth in the world, it is time to distribute both the wealth, and the free time more equally.

Exactly, studies have proven when we don't need to work for money we will have a better community and we will still get things done, people will still work (because most always want more) and when all people have more money then everyone can also afford solar panels, electric cars and so on.
Green Sustainable future all around the globe.

I think that we will need to have a rather massive shift in education. Most people currently are not taught how to identify and pursue passions, teach themselves things independently, manage their time, or how to be spiritually/emotionally/intellectually peaceful.

When I talk about this new wage-earning-free paradigm with people of my father's generation, they always say, "But work gives people meaning. People will become criminals if they have no meaning in their lives." First, there is no meaning in working a crap job, and people can still become "criminals" (such a loaded term, I HATE it) if they have meaningless, underpaid, and exploitative jobs. Second, people will make beautiful meaning if they are educated in a way that would support this new world paradigm.

Thanks for continuing this conversation.

The main reason I am involved in this as much as I am, at the age of 19 I was working fulltime & paying for my own education "So each day after school I was a cab driver working till the night." And I don't think this should be possible in the current society we live in, everyone says we all have fair chances yet coming where I come from my employers only gave me a chance to shut up and work, no education, no courses to follow "at least I can say I'm self-thought" you can learn lots of stuff for free you just don't get the papers it doesn't mean you don't learn anything!
Ps. sololearn.com actually does give certificates "making use of it as well so might as well advertise" especially since it's FREE :P

All I actually want to say is a basic income could provide things for some which are completely normal for others, like parents that can afford your education would of been nice "and I'm sure I'm not the only one" Shit happens all around.