Wemark Upcoming Token

in #blockchain7 years ago

A blockchain-based marketplace for digital content, starting with stock photography.

  Forget what you know about stock photography,
Wemark is different. 

Wemark is not a stock photo agency

Photographers licence their photo directly to customers with no middleman involved, hence customers get better prices.


Photographers earn more for their work 

Wemark sets a new standard for stock photography royalties - photographers keep 85% of the photo sale price.


New level of transparency, powered by the blockchain

The Wemark Protocol, powered by the Ethereum blockchain, ensures a higher standard of transparency. All transactions and licenses are registered on a public ledger and turn immutable.


Digital currency instead of credits

As a next generation platform, Wemark supports its own digital currency. Wemark Tokens allow for both customers and photographers to become a part of the platform's economy and value.

Email :  hi@wemark.com 

Credit : Wemark


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