Telecom Industry on Blockchain Technology

in #blockchain7 years ago

Telecom companies make huge losses in reverse logistic processing as they are not able to track returned/replaced devices and accessories due to various central systems used by different Vendors involved. With the use of Blockchain solution, we can put the data stored in various system/different servers on the open distributed network which will provide them one version of the truth across the system. In a research published by IBM, it has been said that more 34% CSPs are actively looking for blockchain solutions for the major pain areas in telecom sectors. The blockchain technology is not only able to help in reverse and forward the logistic process of the Telecom sector but also in below areas:

In some countries/ continents, mobile connections get activated only after successful verification of the document in which user submits his document for connection and which has been verified by the company. With the use of blockchain, we can make the process verification process digital which does not need to submit any document and simultaneously user's personal information like Personal Information/Call details records/will be stored on the blockchain in an encrypted format.
There are approximately 7.5 Billion ( and still counting) people in this world and only 1.5 billion has the access to banking services so we can use the phone as a micropayment platform to avail the benefits of banking to the one who is yet to receive the benefits of the banking system. #Electronium/#Telecoin is the cryptocurrencies which are working to solve this problem.
In many countries, Mobile data is yet chargeable ( Thanks to JIO, Data is not a problem in India) and all the unused data goes back to the company. #DENT/#Telecoin is building platforms along with communication service providers which will allow the user to sell and purchase their unused data in the open network platform. with the rapid changes, the telecom industry is seeing these days, maybe within next 5-10 years, we will only mobile data and virtual mobile no to make calls ( even we don't need a mobile no to make call if we are connected in WIFI network) . In this case, these plateforms will become vital for users.
Internation roaming has always been the biggest problem for all the user who is traveling abroad and International call's price has been dropped drastically but International roaming is still not affordable which allows the user to move on the Internet calling. To solve this problem, #Bubbletone network is building one platform along with the CSP in which your international roaming charges will be equal to local charges and which will make travel happier and cheaper.
Since blockchain has caught the attention of all the companies, Many companies are building the Telecom industry's major problem's solution on Blockchain Technology.

In the coming days, there will be a lot more which blockchain can offer to Telecom Industry. Till then "Happy exploring"!

#BlcokchainforTelecom, #Blockchainforreverselogistic,#the futureisontheblocks


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