Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 14 – Decentralization, The Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency

in #blockchain6 years ago

Removing the evil from our life can only be accomplished by permanently ridding the earth of the tentacles by which they strangle good human beings. Sadly, just as an octopus can regrow its lost tentacles, the evil Nazi Vril that attempt to control this planet will be constantly thinking of ways to insert themselves into your and everyone else’s lives. Your generation must remain diligent and educate subsequent generations in order to continue earth’s path toward peace.

I have never allowed myself to sycophantically follow anyone; drooling upon their every utterance in hopes of manifesting some personal satisfaction from the accomplishments of others. It has never made sense to worship a person never personally known to me. For whatever reason, unbeknownst to me, I’ve never had that in my energy, and that trait (or lack thereof) has served my independence and happiness well.

Centralized control of every aspect of our lives along with a singular currency controlled by the global elite is the method by which they keep us constantly struggling to make ends meet. Relatives who grew up in the southern United States referred to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression. Not taking anything away from the horrible experience of slavery and those that suffered under its dogma, but throughout the timeline of my life it’s become clear that at least one northern city has profited nicely from the union of all fifty states. New York City is where we have to send the majority of our retirement money we work so hard to save. It’s where all of the exchanges are located. Anything of a financial nature goes through New York City (And London on a global scale). Once our life’s blood is in a central location it only increases the level of control they exert over us. How else can you explain that people spend millions of dollars on NYC apartments that are nothing more than tiny enclosures in a grand pigeon coop?

An added benefit of the fiat money system they control is magnified exponentially with the added control over markets. Money is printed and funded into accounts that are traded without a profit motive; only acting to bastardize the price discovery mechanism to enhance the position they’ve taken to the detriment of retail investors.

Just as it has been established that happiness can only come from within each of us; decentralization is the only way each human on this planet can reach his/her potential, leading to the cleansing effects of happiness. Never rely on anyone to provide you what it is you need to make you happy. No one will ever be able to provide you that which will make your soul pure. It’s taken me over five decades to realize this because no one ever said those words to me. It is my hope these words reach you at a time when your understanding will be complete, and your life contented.

Charity must once again become a local phenomenon. No longer can we afford to send billions of dollars to a centralized agency for distribution. Invariably, throughout human history this has only led to corruption at such a grand scale the system eventually collapses under the weight of unsustainable lies. Those who don’t understand how the system is stacked against them are the ones who suffer most. Giving must be human to human. Looking into someone’s eyes is the only manner in which sincerity can be judged. Forced giving through the threat of jail at the end of a rifle barrel is no way to allow humans to embrace the sacrifice of their blood, sweat, and tears. That sort of giving is most genuine and is integral to the human experience. We must once again allow giver and recipient to appreciate each other. Blind theft from governments can only generate resentment. Replacing the latter with the former will enhance the human experience.

Never have I wished I was someone else, but at this point in my life I do wish I had the skills to code blockchain applications. My desire is to contribute something to the betterment of the human race. It is apparent to me and many others that this technology has the capability of changing the world for the better. If we fail it is up to your generation to take up that sword and plunge it through the heart of evil.

Truly decentralized blockchains offer an immutable record of transactions. Asset purchases and arm’s length transactions cannot be changed in order to offer those charged with record keeping a means of profiting by such changes. The blockchain is the record, and the complete record is kept on thousands of computers cross the globe for verification.

Tokens associated with these decentralized blockchains act as the perfect currency. There is no need for an intermediary (no centralized control over your money) to transact business with people all across the globe. The world would be a much better place if people could transact directly between themselves. All mechanisms instituted to segregate humans are done so for one purpose; control. Passports, regulations, travel restrictions, etc. are implemented to keep humans from knowing one other so that the elite can control perceptions, and racist attitudes; which benefit them greatly.

Sadly, I believe we are reaching that tipping point for the adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. It is those who sycophantically worship politicians, and give away their value to them, who refuse to educate themselves to what is truly happening with our global economy, and fiat currencies. If only five percent of the human race took the equivalent of one thousand dollars and placed it into one of the cryptocurrencies that is being built to truly offer a viable platform for blockchain technology we could cause the largest bloodless revolution in history, and emerge peaceful on the other side. If my generation fails at this; understand the power your generation possesses.

Until we meet.

Love, Papa