The Block: First Crypto Café in Lisbon (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #blockchain5 years ago






the first Crypto Currency café in Lisbon

I couldn't believe that I haven't discovered a crypto currency restaurant in Portugal yet, so I researched the internet to find out if there is one at all.
In fact, there is one in Lisbon, which is right in the heart of the capital.

"The Block", they call it, has a lot to offer besides coffee and tea.
You can also work here with high-speed Wifi (1 GB with 200Mo backup, according to their information) and in Portugal it is the hottest community of start-ups and freelancers.

"The Block" is currently the fanciest place and the only Crypto Currency room in Lisbon. Here it possible to pay with Bitcoin, also Meetups and Workshops are organized here and it is the order of the day to have relaxed conversations around the Crypto-Blockchain world.

"The Block" resembles a cosy living room, although it is a traditional coworking room.
Haha, now I found it on the internet, but I still have to visit it. Damn, just when I'm out of the capital again. The next time I will visit it, yes, I will surely come directly to this place.
But the information that to be out fastter for you guys, because it seems to be a Crypto friendly Location in Lisbon. Maybe you'll be there faster than me.

where to find them

Rua Latino Coelho 63
1er andar
1050 - 133 Lisbon


E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +351 910 429 170

Text made by myself. Peace






o primeiro café Crypto Currency em Lisboa

Não podia acreditar que ainda não tinha descoberto um restaurante de moeda criptográfica em Portugal, por isso pesquisei na internet para saber se havia algum.
Na verdade, há um em Lisboa, que está mesmo no coração da capital.

O "Bloco", como lhe chamam, tem muito mais para oferecer do que café e chá.
Também se pode trabalhar aqui com Wifi de alta velocidade (1 GB com backup de 200Mo, de acordo com as informações deles) e em Portugal é a comunidade mais quente de start-ups e freelancers.

O "The Block" é actualmente o local mais chique e o único em Lisboa com moeda Crypto. Aqui é possível pagar com Bitcoin, Meetups e Workshops também são organizados aqui e é a ordem do dia para ter conversas relaxadas ao redor do mundo Crypto-Blockchain.

O "The Block" assemelha-se a uma acolhedora sala de estar, embora seja uma sala tradicional de coworking.
Haha, agora eu o encontrei na internet, mas ainda tenho que visitá-lo. Raios, mesmo quando estou fora da capital outra vez. A próxima vez que eu vou visitá-lo, sim, eu vou certamente vir diretamente para este lugar.
Mas a informação de que para estar fora fastter para vocês rapazes, porque parece ser um Crypto friendly Location em Lisboa. Talvez vocês estejam lá mais rápido do que eu.

Onde encontrá-los

Rua Latino Coelho 63
1er andar
1050 - 133 Lisbon


E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +351 910 429 170

Texto feito por mim. Paz






das Erste Crypto Currency café in Lissabon

Ich konnte es nicht fassen, dass ich bislang kein crypto currency Restaurant in Portugal entdeckt habe, also recherchierte ich im Internet, ob es überhaupt eines gibt.
Tatsächlich, es gibt eines in Lissabon, welches direkt im Herzen der pulsierenden Hauptstadt zu finden ist.
“The Block“, so heißt es, hat ein großes Angebot neben Kaffee und Tee zu bieten.
Man kann hier ebenso mit Hochgeschwindigkeits-Wifi (1 GB mit 200Mo Backup, laut deren Informationen) arbeiten und in Portugal ist es die angesagteste Gemeinschaft von Start-ups und Freelancern.

“The Block“ ist der momentan angesagteste und einzigste Crypto Currency Raum in ganz Lissabon. Hier ist es möglich mit Bitcoin zu bezahlen, ebenso werden hier Meetups und Workshops organisiert und es ist an der Tagesordnung lockere Gespräche rund um die Krypto-Blockchain Welt zu führen.

“The Block“ gleicht einem kuscheligen Wohnzimmer, obgleich es ein traditioneller Coworking-Raum ist.
Haha, nun habe ich es zwar im Internet gefunden, doch zu besuchen habe ich es noch. Verdammt, gerade wo ich wieder raus bin aus der Hauptstadt. Wiedersehen macht Freude und beim nöchsten Besuch komme ich sicher direkt hierher.
Doch die Information, dass es einen Crypto freundliche Location in Lissabon gibt, soll schon vorher hier festgehalten werden. Vielleicht seit ihr ja schneller dort als ich.

where to find them

Rua Latino Coelho 63
1er andar
1050 - 133 Lisbon


E-mail:[email protected]
Phone: +351 910 429 170

Text von mir gemacht. Peace


Picture Source:
Video Source: Youtube

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Great! Someone mention "The Block" to me when I was in Lisbon few weeks back. Didn't look into it before now. Thank you for sharing.

Cool. Let me know how it is when you be there again :))))

Order menu :

  • Ripple Coffee
  • Ethereum Coffee
  • Bitcoin Cake
  • Steem Coffee

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