How tokoin is placing Indonesian on the global stage and giving more relevance to it in the crypto world and beyond

in #blockchain5 years ago


Tokoin is an Indonesian based company built to nurture micro, small and medium enterprises scale through the hassles required to secure loans and grants from investors as well as financial institutions.

Though Indonesia happens to be a very popular nation in the world owing to its enormous economic activities coupled with its workforce, but Indonesia as a nation is not as relevant and popular as Korea and Singapore as far blockchain is concerned. Tokoin however is setting the pace in making Indonesian very popular and renowned as far as the blockchain technology is concerned.

It has partnered in various ways with Indonesian government in ensuring that blockchain is being acknowledged and embraced across every sector in one of Asian's fastest growing nations in terms of commerce and technology. Below are a few ways by which Tokoin has placed Indonesia on the world's map.

How Tokoin is placing Indonesia on the global map

Indonesia has always been not well known as a nation for their involvement in adopting cryptocurrency, the only popular nations known for their full and unalloyed involved in cryptocurrency being South Korea and Singapore, but the narrative appears to be changing as Indonesian is digging its way to the forefront courtesy of a new and fast growing cryptocurrency project called Tokoin.

Here are a few ways by which Tokoin has ensured cryptocurrency is being recognised and adopted by all and sundry in Indonesia.

  • Partnership with Korean government: Tokoin's partnership with the Indonesian government means the government will support the project in promoting and bringing the knowledge of cryptocurrency to native MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises), ensuring they acknowledge its importance to their platforms and get it integrated. This partnership helps the government to come in and help bridge financial gap among MSMEs. This partnership with the Indonesian government will also give Tokoin more room to expand and encroach deeper into the ASEAN region and other emerging markets from other regions.

Tokoin has already partnered with 3 arms of Indonesian government, this partnership will help to ensure that the impact of blockchain is being felt by all, thereby leading to more adoption. The arms of Indonesian government that Tokoin is already in partnership with are:

Indonesian chamber or commerce and industry

Indonesian ministry of industry

Indonesian ministry of trade

  • Boost of commercial activities and net GDP: Tokoin is currently helping to uplift MSMEs in Indonesia, and the end goal of this is an increase in commercial and industrial activities among enterprises, this directly translates to a rise in the nation's GDP as well. When a nation gets positively affected by the adoption of a certain technology, it is only common place that more people will end up adopting the technology, thereby placing Indonesia among one of the highly ranked nations in the world when it will to adoption of the blockchain technology in Asia and beyond.

  • Partnering with projects outside Asia: Tokoin is seriously creating collaborations and lots of profitable synergies even with projects that are resident outside Asia, this will help to further take Indonesia to the world, seeing as many people will be interested to know which nation a wonderful project such as Tokoin is based, thereby leading to the popularity of Indonesia as a nation.

  • Ask Tokoin: This event is ran by the Tokoin core team particularly on Twitter, it helps to receive and provide answers to questions lingering in the minds of community members from time to time. In the course of this event, many start up enterprises get to know about Tokoin and out of curiosity, they also search for the nation it emerged from, this helps to make Indonesia as a nation more popular in the same proportion as the Tokoin project itself.

  • Hong Kong meetup: Tokoin has a number of countries lined up in its global roadshow, in order to help introduce the tokoin platform to them. Hong Kong happens to be the first country visited by tokoin in this quest, the goal of this roadshow to Hong Kong is to accelerate Hong Kong's trading and tourism industry. While this visit is highly beneficial to Tokoin as a platform, it also helps to being the limelight on Indonesia once more, thereby giving more popularity and relevance to it in the blockchain industry.

Tokoin's fast paced development is bringing lots of attention for not just the project but the entire nation at large, the partnership with other projects across and beyond Indonesia helps to not only build the project's reputation and progress, but it has also helped to place Indonesia on the world map and gradually making them become one of the world's most renowned blockchain celebrated nations in the world.




Author's Telegram ID: @Idakpe