When I replied to Dan, I assumed Ethereum was using UTXO so before posting, I queried and found this: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Design-Rationale Seems they came to some of the same conclusions as to why UTXO has limits.
Luke u and i should get a beee sometime....i have many thoughts on the matter and a pretty frigging large amount of history that makes it alll a very interesting story.
Ethereum is not using UTXO model.. that's another issue.
When I replied to Dan, I assumed Ethereum was using UTXO so before posting, I queried and found this: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Design-Rationale Seems they came to some of the same conclusions as to why UTXO has limits.
We need this kind of documents.
Looks like fuzzy needs to learn more about this part ;)
Thanks abit
Hah! That's funny. Is he tweeting from the future?
Edit: Or... I'm just thinking in terms of America's stupid date structure. :)
Edit2: there it is: https://twitter.com/VladZamfir/status/838006311598030848
So that raises the next question... what the hell? BitShares seems pretty freaking amazing (as does Steemit). Why the lack of love from the masses?
Maybe humans really are silly meat bags confused by shinny marketing.
Wow good catch. Not sure how that date is there...
My bad (see edits). It's just the day first, the month second. I found the original tweet. It's legit.
I really don't get why we stupid Americans put the month first. That makes no sense at all.
But its 3-26-17 though...i think u are right...
I just wonder how that date got onto screenshot...cause to me it looks like the future.
@lukestokes, that is one of my biggest peevs :)
My Swedish twitter UI says "4 mars 2017"
Oh wait. Mar...not may. Now it makes sense.
Vlad Zamfir tweeted @ 04 Mar 2017 - 12:40 UTC
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Looks like fuzzy needs to learn more about this part ;)
Thanks abit
Luke u and i should get a beee sometime....i have many thoughts on the matter and a pretty frigging large amount of history that makes it alll a very interesting story.
Man, definitely! You free some time next week? Let's make it happen. You can email me at luke.stokes @ gmail
Hopefully this gets documented.
Naw. But ill tell him a long story with my own perspective on the situation... ;)