Decentralization is a fake. Digital communism.

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

Hi, Steemit!

The cryptocurrency gave us a blockchain - an amazing technology that began to change lives. And this technology is decentralized. That's what say. But this is not so.

Judge for yourself - now we are on the verge of a hardfork in bitcoin, read there - I have some bitkoin. However, my opinion about the hardfork does not interest anyone. Others decide for me - big holders of bitcoins and pools of miners. Decentralization?

Also on the Steemit. The main trend belongs whales and witnesses. This is normal. But this is not decentralization.

It reminds me of communism. The idea that illuminates the half of the world. "Everything belongs to everyone". However, important decisions were made not by the working people, but by the leaders. And what did this lead to?

Remember my words - there will be wars in the world of crypto currency!


I totally get your point, but keep in mind that decentralization doesn't mean that everyone's vote counts the same. It just means that no one person or company owns the blockchain. If you become a whale in America, you can have as much influence as a whale in China.

Communism does intend everyone to have the same wealth, and it always fails. Blockchain decentralization never promised communism; it is more like the wild west!

Steem is a piece of the code (chain) of the blockchaine of the Steemit. Whale has more chains (systems) than I do. In theory, this means that who owns whales owns a Steemit. And to control several dozen whales is easier than all the others.

I've only been on steem for a week but I'm already loving it. As soon as I get to understand it more thoroughly I will definitely promote in anyway I can. @fshzzl