EcoBall Project Monthly Report #July

1, New members of the project

One blockchain architect

Two blockchain engineers

2, Partnership

Wuhan University

Renmin University of China

Waltonchain Foundation

Mason Technology Co.,Ltd

Datang International Education Development Holdings Co., Ltd

3, The Development Progress

[Consensus Module]

• Implement the complete process of the ABA BFT consensus algorithm and complete the joint test with other modules to complete the test.

[Account Management]

• Implement account rights management (account name binding, proxy assignment, permission verification)

[Contract Module]

• Complete basic token contracts, deployment and call testing of CPU and NET mortgage contracts

[P2P Network Module]

• Implement directed deliver and broadcast Gossip protocol.

[Distributed Storage]

• Completed the pre-research and design of distributed storage solutions (storage data interface, storage incentive mechanism)

[Command Line and Tools]

•Add wallet features, including opening, locking, generating and importing keys, unlocking and closing

• Add EcoBall docker image creation and operation

• Blockchain browser architecture build-up and completes display of block information

4, The Project Event

• On July 2nd, EcoBall Foundation has been accredited by Singapore International Law Firm KGP Legal LLC and has obtained application-based legal advice.

• On July 3rd, the EcoBall (ABA) project passed the Slowmist technology security audit.

• On July 15th, the EcoBall made its first candy drop.

• On July 18th, the EcoBall Whitelist has been officially opened.

• On July 20th, EcoBall and the blockchain+IoT leader Walton Chain signed a strategic partnership agreement.

• On July 24th, the EcoBall was invited to visit the ASTRI in Hong Kong and reached a technology+business dual cooperation consensus with ASTRI.

5, Community Growth

Domestic and foreign social channels followers:

WeChat group +WeChat public account number + QQ + microblog + Twitter + Facebook + Steemit + Telegram = 10000 +

Weekly growth rate: 12–15%

Media platform average views:

WeChat public number + today headline + chain to financial + golden financial + Babbitt + microblog headline + Quora + Reddit + Medium = 12000+

Weekly growth rate: 5–10%